The clock is ticking. Most Agora participants have just returned from Zaragoza, many are probably still suffering from the classic post-Agora cold. However, the AEGEE virus is here to infect them again. This time with the EBM in Lublin, which will take place from 13th till 17th of February in the Polish city of Lublin. That means: it’s just three months away. The Golden Times asked Paulina Puchacz, President of AEGEE-Lublin, what the participants can expect and why no active AEGEE member can miss out on that event.

Golden Times: Paula, you just came back from Zaragoza – and now there are only 96 days left until the EBM. How does that feel?
Paula Puchacz: Oooh, it feels so excited and jumpy! There is still a lot of things to do, but we all have a strong motivation, which will leads us to create the biggest event we have ever had.
Golden Times: How motivated did you and your Lublin delegation come back from Zaragoza?
Paula: Well, to be honest our first impression was: “There is still so much to do! I mean how great those people in Spain were? They did so much, how can we even compare?” But now we are a bit more relaxed, I think that the Agora changed so much in the people, which are responsible for the main fields in our project. First of all, we saw that everything can happen, when you have a great team of motivated and enthusiastic friends around you.

Golden Times: The EBM topic was revealed in Zaragoza: nationalism. What do you think about that choice?
Paula: When EBM topics came out we were discussing about all of them – and nationalism was the one we really didn’t feel. The voting session closed with all results close to each other, which shows, that people were also divided about all topics. This one won with a small advantage. I guess it is good what happened – in Poland there is a real problem with that. This subject comes with a lot of strong feelings, and in Poland it is mostly connected with negative stereotypes. Maybe it is the right time to talk about it.
Golden Times: Where is Lublin actually?
Paula: Lublin is around 2.5 hours by car, train or bus from Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Anybody who came to see us can say that the prices are low, we have a beautiful old town, a lot of international students. And pretty girls! (smiles)

Golden Times: How can the participants reach Lublin?
Paula: You can fly with Wizzair or Ryanair to the Polish cities Kraków, Katowice, Gdańsk and Warszawa and then you take the bus or train directly to Lublin. For example, from Warsaw is costs more or less 7 Euro. Or you can fly to Lublin directly with cheap flights.
Golden Times: How old is AEGEE-Lublin?
Paula: Last year we celebrated our 20th anniversary, there was a big party!

Golden Times: How many members do you have?
Paula: We currently have 30 members on our official list, but like twice as many people, which are also active and ready to help with the EBM.
Golden Times: And what was your antenna’s biggest event so far?
Paula: Our biggest event so far was Network Meeting in 2010.
Golden Times: How many people are working on the EBM? And how is the atmosphere in your team?
Paula: Currently almost all official members are involved in the preparation, some people are working really hard on many tasks, which deserves a big praise. We are also trying to get some new members into the team – it is the best option to start the adventure with AEGEE.
Golden Times: How many participants can you host?
Paula (smiles): We can host around 300 participants, so don’t worry, there will be a lot of space for people and it will feels almost as big as the Agora!

Golden Times: And how will they be lodged? Hotel or gym?
Paula (smiles): Gym, nice and very warm gym! I know some of you might think: “Hey, 13th till 17th of February is winter in Poland, we will freeze!” But the truth is that you will probably hang around in T-shirts inside the gym. And also, what is worth to say – we have a lot of hot showers!
Golden Times: 13th till 17th of February – so how will we spend Valentine’s Day?
Paula: What can I say – there is a Valentines Party and a lot of activities around that subject, so either you are single or have another half, come to celebrate that day to Lublin – you can bring your other half!
Golden Times: Polish AEGEE parties are legendary. What ideas do you have for the parties?
Paula: Apart from the Valentines Party we will have a European night and probably a Sky-Is-The-Limit party, so anything what is happening in your head right now might be a good idea for the costume.

Golden Times: The Agora Zaragoza organisers spoiled the participants with 520 kilos of chocolate. What speciality or treat can the EBM guests look forward too?
Paula (smiles): Haha, that was one of the things I said about the Agora: how can we even compare with 520 kilos of chocolate? Impossible! But we will have something for sure, for now even the President can’t say a word, even if I would love to!
Golden Times: Are you planning to do some video lifestream?
Paula: We are currently talking about it, but to be honest I don’t know yet.
Golden Times: Do you know about pre events or post events?
Paula: AEGEE-Lviv is doing the White Out event from 8th till 12th of February, and I heard that AEGEE-Warszawa is doing something as well.
Golden Times: Where can people find out about the EBM on the Internet?
Paula: Check the official EBM account on Facebook ( or Twitter (EBM Lublin 2014). And our local website .The official webpage of the EBM will be ready soon.

Golden Times: A few words about you: how old are you and how long have you been in AEGEE? And since when are you President of AEGEE-Lublin?
Paula: Currently I am 23 years old, became President shortly after my birthday in April this year. I joined AEGEE-Lublin 2.5 years ago, in which I coordinated two projects: a Summer University and the European Day of Languages. And I was chosen “best member of the month” for three times in 2012.
Golden Times: What do you study and what hobbies do you have?
Paula: Besides of my AEGEE love I study journalism and am editor-in-chief of the Polformance Magazine. I run my own lifestyle-travel blog for more than two years now, I’m learning Spanish and I am also a folk dancer, which brings a lot of joy to my free time. Moreover, I am volunteering-addicted – I just got back from Chile, where I was writing some articles about students there, and from Brasil, where I worked on World Youth Days in Rio de Janeiro as a social media geek.
EBM on the Internet:
- Official EBM account on Facebook:
- EBM Twitter account: EBM Lublin 2014
- Local website of AEGEE-Lublin:
- Golden Times EBM group:
- Golden Times video interiew with EBM organisers: