The best of two worlds: Sardinia is famous for the most beautiful beaches in Europe, Napoli for its mixture of great cultural heritage, thriving city life and beautiful surroundings. The lucky 35 participants of the TSU “La vita è bella : Mediterranean coast to coast” of AEGEE-Cagliari and AEGEE-Napoli will have the experience of their lifetime. Sasha Ghorpade, HR Responsible of AEGEE-Cagliari, and Antonio Della Ventura, Vice-President of AEGEE-Napoli, explain what they can look forward to.

Golden Times: Your common TSU is one of the talks of AEGEE. How does it make you feel? And are the high expectations justified?
Sasha and Antonio: People are right in talking so much about our TSU. It will be the perfect mix of everything you expect from summer time: sun, beaches, culture, good food, art and party till the sunrise. All the best South Italy offers. Knowing about the high expectations that this event is creating, it’s something that is pushing us in giving our best, we are just sorry that we are able to give this chance to just 35 people. The high expectations are undoubtedly justified, because we only want to make this event legendary for both participants and organizers. The two biggest and known Italian antennae working together can only produce something unforgettable.

Golden Times: The title is “La vita è bella : Mediterranean coast to coast”. What’s the topic?
Sasha and Antonio: We want to offer our friends a full immersion in the Italian lifestyle known all over the world. Life is good, guys, and it’s too short for not enjoying the pleasures of it! Summer is even shorter, that’s why we chose that title.
Golden Times: How did you get the idea to organise an SU together?
Sasha and Antonio: From the very first time we met we recognized a good chemistry between our teams; we have a very similar vision and common ideas about how the SU spirit has to be and we are turning it into reality. The idea to make an event together had been in the air for almost two years. Also before last year’s SUs we talked about it, but it was too late to organize it. Nevertheless, as time was passing by we became so caught up in this idea that we had to make it possible. When we met in Autumn Agora Zaragoza we decided to do it for real and so here we are, trying our best to offer all AEGEE members the Summer University they always dreamed about. This will be a new experience for both our antennae and is creating a deep bond between our members. It’s leading us to a personal growth that can only improve our work positively.

Golden Times: How many people do you expect to apply?
Sasha and Antonio: This year’s SU application procedures are different, so it’s difficult to foresee. Our cities have the potential to make people dream and attract them in a very strong way. Both our antennae always got many applications so we are pretty optimistic that we will make a blast!
Golden Times: Is it true that you want to be the number one in the SU ratings this year?
Sasha and Antonio: It’s going to be the official confirmation of our good work and the winner will be announced during Agora Cagliari, so: let’s strive for it!
Golden Times: What are the main highlights? Which cities or sights will you visit?
Antonio: We’re going to visit one of the most amazing areas in Europe, the heart of Mediterranean culture and history. In Sardinia you will see the longest beach in Europe, Poetto Beach in Cagliari and we will then move to Villasimius, the marine protected area whose crystalline waters will confuse and enchant all of your senses. During this week in Sardinia, participants will have a full immersion in the Island’s traditions and experience it through different workshops.
Sasha: In Naples we will visit several Unesco World Heritage sites and experience a different but at the same time similar lifestile compared with Sardinia. The participants will have the unique opportunity to visit Caserta’s Palace, Pompei’s Ruins and the Amalfi Coast, with its unique landscapes. They will finally have the opportunity to eat the real Italian pizza, where it has its roots.

Golden Times: Are there other things you want to show the participants?
Sasha and Antonio: We obviously want to show the beauties of our two lands, but we want to do more than this. It’s important for us to give the participants the opportunity to look at the amazing things we do in an unconventional way. We want them to feel Italian and appreciate it more than a normal tourist would do. This has to be an experience also for their minds and their senses.
Golden Times: You offer a lot of activities and workshops. Can you name three or four that the participants should look most forward to.
Sasha and Antonio: We are offering different workshops and activities, because we think about different kinds of participants. With this we want to please everyone and try to make their expectations come true. It will be quite impossible to get bored! Back to the topic – the participants definitely have to look forward to: first, Mattia Abis’ Pub Crawling – you will understand very soon why. It is our special surprise for our participants. Second, both boat trips – and third, the visit of the ruins of Pompei.

Golden Times: What is so special about Mattia Abis’s Pub Crawling?
Antonio: Well, first of all it has been created by our beloved Netcommie, second of all it is one of the most special activities we propose. Are you wondering why? It’s because our tasks are pretty different from the ones of a normal pub crawl, if we could describe it with two words they would be: social malaise. Last year’s edition made the city go crazy! You will have to cooperate with local citizens to earn points, having with them the most embarrassing and exciting moments of your AEGEE life! So Guys: don’t be shy!
Golden Times: You just said it – the participants will not only spend times in the water, but also on boats. What can you tell us about that?
Sasha and Antonio: We are going to have a boat trip in Amalfi. It will be one of the several points of view of the Amalfi coast; it is indeed the most beautiful from the sea. At some point we will turn off the boat engine and throw ourselves into the water, to escape the hot weather. We will also have a beautiful boat trip in the marine protected area of Villasimius, having a typical Sardinian lunch on board. We will stop in the middle of the sea and get down to chill in one of the uncontaminated beaches that characterize the area. The participants will also have the opportunity to do some snorkeling, thanks to the equipment provided by the boat company. Last but not least, there is our ferry transfer from Cagliari to Naples! According to the rumors something unexpected will probably happen during that mysterious night…

Golden Times: You will make a photo contest. What is that about?
Sasha and Antonio: The photo contest will be the cherry on the top. Participants always have fun during that. This activity will make the participants walk around Napoli, taking particular and funny pictures to complete the tasks we give them. Each photo request has its score. The winning team will win something that we can’t tell you now, it will be a surprise. It’s also kind of a treasure hunt, because sometimes they have to ask citizens where to find where some places. It’s also requested to get into a pizzeria and prepare a pizza, exactly like a pizza maker.
Golden Times: The participants will also learn to cook – what exactly?
Sasha and Antonio: Unfortunately we cannot tell you that, we will probably ruin all the fun behind it! We’ve already given you too many information!

Golden Times: Sardinian and Napolitan dialects are very special. Will you teach the participants something?
Sasha and Antonio: Sardinian and Napolitan are not dialects but are considered languages! E’ Buon! Yes we are! At the end of the SU they will probably be mistaken for local inhabitants… OLIOOOO!
Golden Times: Your creative PR campaign raised a lot of interest. You are happy with the result?
Sasha and Antonio: Yes! We started with the PR campaign to tease the curiosity of the AEGEEans, just with pictures, designed by our ITs. We shared these pictures all over the Facebook contacts and pages.

How is the atmosphere in your organizing team?
Sasha and Antonio: Really good. We are still working on our PR campaign, because our creativity didn’t stop with those picture, we are setting aside another production. You will see! Stay tuned!
Golden Times: How much is the participation fee?
Sasha and Antonio: The fee is 190 Euros. 40 Euros is the optional fee that includes the two usual extra fee activities of our antennae: The Pompeii archeological area’s visit and the boat trip in the protected area of Serpentara island.

Golden Times: What else should potential participants know about the event?
Sasha and Antonio: We want tell them to come with the right spirit and prepared to do unconventional things, because we will be unconventional organizers! Bring your certainties with you and let us break it down. Stop daydreaming and start applying!
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