27th April 2019
Oksana Prokopchenko: “My dream job is the one where I am my own boss”
Oksana Prokopchenko will run for the Comitè Directeur of AEGEE-Europe at Agora Bucharest. Find out more about her in this interview.
27th April 2019
Oksana Spolyak: “AEGEE is for me Spirit”
Oksana Spolyak will run for the Comitè Directeur of AEGEE-Europe at Agora Bucharest. Find out more about her in this interview.
26th April 2019
Batuhan: “It is impossible to stay apolitical in Turkey”
Batuhan Çarikçi will run for the Comitè Directeur of AEGEE-Europe at Agora Bucharest. Find out more about him in this interview.
26th April 2019
Álvaro: “If I had not applied for CD, I would be doing a world trip”
Álvaro González Pérez will run for the Comitè Directeur of AEGEE-Europe at Agora Bucharest. Find out more about him in this interview.