The Summer University is back! The GT is presenting the some of this year’s courses, including a very important aspect: the covid prevention measures. Check out what AEGEE-Brno is planning for you. Their event is called “How To Train Your Inner Dragon: Extreme Edition”, and will take place from 29th of July to 10th of August. The fee is 168 Euros, with an optional 40 Euros for several excursions.
Golden Times: What is the main topic of your SU this year?
AEGEE-Brno: Our main topic is “How To Train Your Inner Dragon”. We chose it because we want to spark in our participants their best abilities; moreover the dragon is also an animal which is connected to our city – Brno.
GT: SU means Summer and University. Can you elaborate more on the thematic part of your SU?
AEGEE-Brno: Our Summer University is aimed mainly at leadership and we will create workshops which help our participants to improve these skills – but also many more others.

GT: Let’s talk about the leisure part of your SU. What are the three main programme highlights in this area? Which cities and landmarks will you visit?
AEGEE-Brno: Our subtopic is extreme edition, and we would like to reflect it in our programme. The programme will be divided into three areas – Brno, forests around Kuřim and Mikulov. In Brno our participants will have a chance to experience nightlife and they will have a chance to row in a dragon boat. In Kuřim will be another part; our participants will have a chance to learn something from self-defence or experience a horror night. Last but not least, in Mikulov there will be a chance to experience South Moravian nature during our trips and the wine in a local wine cellar.
GT: Some applicants might be concerned about the corona crisis. What kind of precautions will you take?
AEGEE-Brno: We will try to adjust the official regulations to our participants to make the SU as friendly as possible; we will not request much more than is requested by our government. This means that the persons who are not vaccinated must have a negative antigen test not older than 72 hours when they arrive. Beside this we will not request any other tests until the end of the SU because the participants will have just a few contacts with the people from the Czech Republic where all employees must be tested minimally once per week and we will required the same from all organizers. Masks will not be required outside and within the group but in the public transport and in the buildings it will be necessary to wear a mask. However, a big part of our events will be outside, so the participants will need to wear a mask very rarely.
GT: Will you ask the participants to get vaccinated before the event?
AEGEE-Brno: The vaccination will not be a requirement for our participants, but if a participant declare that he/she was vaccinated, we will need to see a proof that he was really vaccinated.

GT: What will you do in case a participant gets tested positive on the corona virus?
AEGEE-Brno: In case the participant will be confirmed positive by a PCR test there will be an imposed 14-day quarantine period on all who were in touch with him or her. This means in case of our participants that they will need to stay in an accommodation, which is normally paid by their insurance companies. Our SU will be aborted, and we will try to refund all participants if possible.
GT: Can you say a couple of words about your antenna: what does it make it special?
AEGEE-Brno: We try to show our participants the best from our region and provide the experience which they can use in their day-to-day life. Moreover, all organizers are locals who love our region.
GT: Where can interested people find out more about your SU?
AEGEE-Brno: You may find out more on the website or contact us directly on – or via our Facebook or Instagram which is available on our websites
GT: Anything you would like to add? Do you have a message to potential applicants?
AEGEE-Brno: It’s up to you how will you spend your summer, but we can assure you that if you miss our SU than you will miss a lot.

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