AEGEE-Istanbul will host the next EPM from 5th to 9th February 2025. The application period has just started and ends on 4th December. The Golden Times asked the main organisers, Furkan, Sueda, Arda, Melek, Çağrı, İdil, and Emrecan, what the participants can expect.
Golden Times: How did you react when you were notified that you had won the EPM?
EPM Team: It was a big moment for the team and for our local. The idea of organising an EPM in Istanbul was a long-awaited goal for us. We felt proud and so happy to be able to host an EPM in our city – but also the pressure of this huge responsibility started to kick in immediately.
GT: How did you get the idea to apply for this prestigious event?
EPM Team: The plans for hosting an EPM in Istanbul actually started many years ago, but because of Covid and other reasons, it was always postponed. As AEGEE-Istanbul, we organised two Agoras, in 2010 and 2018, but an EPM was a missing piece in our local’s history. Our core team is very passionate about bringing this major event to Istanbul for the first time in its history! In fact, the first meeting to plan EPM Istanbul 2025 took place in June 2023! After EPM Istanbul 2025, we will be one step closer to being a local that has hosted all types of statutory events!
GT: The topic will be “Lighting the Spark of Change: Youth Advocacy in Action”. What do you think about the topic, and how will you bring it to life?
EPM Team: The influence of youth in society is great, but we believe it can be even more impactful when young people raise their voices and actively start shaping the future. This topic is crucial for recognising the potential within each young person and inspiring them to be part of change, whether through ambitious or specific goals.
GT: How are the preparations for the EPM going?
EPM Team: We are in close contact with local authorities and potential sponsors to secure the best support possible. We currently have a venue located in the famous district of Beyoğlu. We are not rushing with the accommodation because we already have options for gyms and sports centres. Either way, we will ask our participants to bring their sleeping bags and mats. We’ve also arranged transportation, with dedicated buses for the event. As for the merchandise, we have designed some exciting options that we’re sure AEGEEans will love! We’ll post previews on our Instagram before the event so you can indicate if you’re interested.
GT: What can you tell us about the venue where the plenary and other sessions will take place?
EPM Team: We will be using an academic youth centre with a plenary room and multiple workshop spaces. It’s fully equipped for an EPM with its infrastructure and IT equipment. We’re also in talks with the municipality to secure a larger venue. Visuals of the venue will be shared soon.
GT: What social programme highlights can we expect?
EPM Team: AEGEE-Istanbul is famous for its vibrant social programmes! Each night will feature a fun theme! All themes are already set, and maybe you can guess one by looking at our event colours. We’re organising the best venues to unwind after intense days, from great DJ performances to cultural experiences. We’re excited to make everyone happy!
GT: Why didn’t you apply to host another Agora instead of an EPM?
EPM Team: We believe it’s better to host an event we haven’t done before. We still hear stories from Agora Istanbul 2018 everywhere we go, so it’s time to add a new milestone to our local’s history.
GT: Istanbul is an amazing city that will surely attract many participants. How many people can you host?
EPM Team: Our plans are based on around 150 participants. We have contingency plans if there are more applications than expected. We’re feeling positive about participation based on conversations with many AEGEEans.

GT: What can you tell us about your antenna?
EPM Team: AEGEE-Istanbul has been part of the network since 1992 and is one of the most active locals. Since our founding, we have hosted two Agoras and organised a Summer University almost every year. We also have a signature event called “Run AEGEEan Run,” where participants cross the Bosphorus Bridge on foot! We’re known for our energetic members, cool merchandise, secret recipe cocktails, and fantastic social programmes!
GT: How many members do you have, and what have you organised in 2024?
EPM Team: Currently, we have 43 members in our local, and we’re thrilled to welcome new members each week. Our members are a key part of organising the EPM, and we can’t wait to welcome everyone! Our main focus this year is the EPM, so apart from a Summer University, we may have other events before the EPM.
GT: Will there be pre-events or post-events?
EPM Team: We’ve heard some whispers about a pre-EPM event, but it’s not official yet.
GT: The dates are 5-9 February. Is there a programme on the 5th and 9th, or are these arrival and departure days?
EPM Team: On 5th February, we’ll have the opening plenary. 9th February is the departure day.
GT: Anything you’d like to add?
EPM Team: We’re putting a lot of effort into making EPM Istanbul 2025 unforgettable for all AEGEEans. After the Autumn Agora online, Istanbul will be the first in-person meeting point for AEGEE after a break. We’ll be delighted to welcome you to our beautiful city, where we can shape the future of AEGEE and youth together. Remember, Istanbul is wonderful, but it will be even more so with all of you here! See you in Istanbul!
You can apply here.

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