All Agora participants want to know about the party locations. The Golden Times asked Zsófia Lehota, member of the Agora organising team, more about the social part of the general assembly in Budapest.

Golden Times: Zsófi, what can you tell us about the opening party on Wednesday, which is called „Suit up! party”?
Zsófia Lehota: The opening party will be in a place which was always the favorite one during our Summer Universities: “Morrison’s 2”. Different types of music, karaoke and also some discounts will wait for the enthusiastic party people, to spend the first crazy night in Budapest.
Golden Times: „Suit up! Party” sounds serious. On the Agora website is written: „Everybody get your suit (optionally shirt with a tie) or cocktail dress”. So there will be a dresscode?
Zsófia: No doubts, what else would be the most appropriate than a real “Suit Up! Party” after the Opening Ceremony. I am sure that it is gonna be legen…wait for it!

Golden Times: Thursday night is „Bad Hair Party”, Friday night is „Halloween Party”. What can you tell us about it?
Zsófia: We have planned again some exciting places, even if it was a big challenge to find the best ones where all of us can enjoy the nights.The location of Thursday’s party, Morrison’s Liget, is just right next to the accomodation, so it makes easier to get home after the party. All the places are frequently visited by the youngsters of Budapest, so many people can’t be wrong… Thursday night’s theme was pending for a long time, as it was very hard to choose from the craziest ideas. A Bad Hair Party, a No Mustache No Party or a Costume Party were on the list… Finally it became the Bad Hair Party. As for Friday we found with Club Next the perfect place where awesome Halloween decoration will be provided. So I guess there are no doubts about the dresscode, we have Halloween during the Agora, so we have to go crazy again: The scarier the better!
Golden Times: What have you planned for the European Night on Saturday, called Flag Party? On the website you write: „Dress up in your countries’ colors or take your flag as a dress and let’s get it started!” Any more info?
Zsófia: It is a surprise. I can only say that we have been thinking with the Culture Working Group about what concept to give to the European Night in order to make it quality and more unforgettable. My aim is to mix culture with party, and not putting the emphasis only on drinks and food. I think it is a great opportunity to get to know more about the other cultures and to show something to the others.

Golden Times: The negotiations for the party places where very hard. Can you tell more about it?
Zsófia: It was extremely hard and required some patience. Looking for the best and biggest location, considering the distance from the gym, dealing with managers, party-organisers, clashing interests, making compromises and of course ensuring a certain amount of people has its own risks. But it is the beauty of this position: organising it in the best way it is possible, and then looking at all happy, enthusiastic, bright faces and seeing all your friends and the other participants enjoying it to the fullest. Although some strict legal regulations and a serious accident of last year’s January (click here for more info) did not facilitate our situation, but finally we managed quite well to get it done!
Golden Times: Some people who did not get a place, applied as extra participants. How many of them can participate to the parties?
Zsófia: The concept of the extra participants was a delicate question, and finally we had to come to the point that extra participants can enter all parties!

Golden Times: Some people stay extra days. Which place would you recommend which will not be an Agora party place?
Zsófia: The first thing that comes into my mind is a compulsory evening programme. People will notice at the first time how great our lovely city is, and especially how awesome its nightlife is. So the first thing I would recommend is the visit of the famous ruinpubs and retro gardens. In the central area of the city new places were opened one after another in tenement houses and factory buildings. These were equipped with rejected furniture of old community centres, cinemas and grandmothers’ flats, bringing a retro feeling into these places. They were soon called ruinpubs and became popular very fast among the youth of Budapest – ruinpub is the exact translation of the Hungarian name. They are are not only good places to drink and have a party – some of them function as disco – but also function as cultural community areas with film clubs, theatre performances, concerts, exhibitions, and creative workshops, too. I think it is the most characteristic way of spending some nights with friends.

Golden Times: Good advice. You can find more infos on ruin pubs here: Final question: What can you tell about the opening ceremony?
Zsófia: The opening ceremony is held on Wednesday in the impressive and splendid ceremony-room of Corvinus University of Budapest and seeks to give a good impression about the whole event being the first officially organised programme. We prepared a programme with two interesting performances which are of course the surprise of the evening. Last but not least I have to highlight that our patrons were so honourable to having accepted our invitation and making an appearance to see the conference where more than 800 young European citizens have gathered.
More info about the Agora parties:
1. “Suit up!”. Location: Morrison’s 2. Address: Szent István körút 11, between Nyugati station and Margit bridge.
2. “Bad Hair”. Location: Morrison’s liget. Address: Népliget út 2.
3. “Halloween Party”. Location: Club Next. Address: Almássy téri Szabadidőközpont, Almássy tér 6. Internet:
4. Flag Party/European Night. Location to be announced later.