Big, bigger, NWM Warszawa: Network Meetings in Poland are among the greatest highlights AEGEE offers to any member. It is the ultimate experience exchange – with parallel sessions that guarantee that every participant benefits from the event to the highest degree. Moreover, the hospitality and social programme at each of these Network Meetings is outstanding. You can apply only until the end of this week to the Network Meeting in Warsaw. Network Commissioner Marta Wnuk told the Golden Times more about the event you cannot miss.

Golden Times: Why can’t people miss the Network Meeting in Warsaw? What makes it unique?
Marta Wnuk: NWM Warszawa will not be an event as any other. It will be the only Network Meeting in Europe this spring that will gather hundred participants from all over the network, giving them a big variety of sessions that are suited both for newbies and for experienced members. And most importantly, Network Meetings organised in this part of the network always are full of AEGEE spirit, a new infusion of motivation, inspiration and energy to act is guaranteed!
GT: Your event is called: “Pandacipation”. Why is it called like that?
Marta: Panda is the mascot of AEGEE-Warszawa – the hosting local. She is the perfect ambassador of AEGEE-Warszawa, showing how cool the antenna is, so she definitely had to be part of the name. There is also “participation” side to the name, as we would like to shift our participants attention to what active participation means and why it is important for each AEGEE member.

GT: Polish Network Meetings belong always to the five biggest events in AEGEE every year. How many participants do you expect?
Marta: We are ready for hundred participants. The number of places it that big because we give the possibility to experience the European dimension of AEGEE to everyone, regardless of their experience. There is a place for antenna boards to engage in discussions on how to improve the functioning of their locals and there is a place for new members to learn, get inspired and develop themselves in AEGEE. What is more, the bigger number of participants means a bigger impact – more members will come back to their locals with a new knowledge and motivation to act.
GT: There is a myth in AEGEE that only Polish members go to Network Meeting in Poland. This is nonsense, but still people believe it. What is the reality?
Marta: The reality is that each year more people from all other parts of the network come to our Network Meetings. Due to the big number of places, we can accept more participants from all over Europe and make the event more international this way. We received very good feedback from people who participated in our NWMs and we do our best to make everyone feel welcome. All you need to do is apply. Come and come to find out yourself how hospitable Polish-speaking locals are!

GT: What will the programme highlights be?
Marta: The NWM Warszawa will be the only Network Meeting that offers a Boards’ Meeting in the programme. It will be a whole-day special session that will consist of a Presidents Meeting and sector work of PR, HR and FR Responsibles. This way we will ensure that there is proper space for discussing all the problems, exchanging best practises and looking for solutions together. As for workshops related to the European level, quite a lot of sessions touch this aspect. There will be two CD sessions – one presenting a new strategy for learning and training and the second one tackling the issue of communication. There will be also two workshops regarding European projects: Health 4 Youth and the Election Observation project. In the end, I have to add that two open sessions are waiting for participants as well!
GT: In what way will AEGEE’s 30th anniversary be reflected in the programme?
Marta: The opening ceremony will be dedicated to the anniversary. The details are still secret, but I can tell that this is something to look forward to. And there will be also two workshops dedicated to history that will for sure catch people’s interest: one telling about the best projects in AEGEE’s history and the second one will allow participants to discover history of their own locals.

GT: Where and when can interested people find the detailed programme?
Marta: All the sessions can be found on the Facebook event: There is not only a list of them, but descriptions of workshops along with profiles of trainers are posted there regularly. Each participants will receive more detailed information after being officially admitted.
GT: When is the deadline for applications?
Marta: The deadline for applications is 29th of March, so it’s approaching fast! In order to apply, everyone should go to the Intranet (, as well as fill in the in the application form.