Is Europe too small for AEGEE? Alexey Korostelev, member of Les Anciens, initiated a discussion AEGEE-L whether AEGEE should become more active outside Europe. on the mailing list “AEGEE is and must remain a European organisation. But I see another issue to think about: Forms of work with partner organisations outside Europe,” argues Alexey. “AEGEE pays not enough attention to student organisations outside Europe. I know that some antennas had external participants from other continents. Why cannot AEGEE-Europe do the same?”
The former Network Commissioner, proposes to enforce cooperation between AEGEE and related student and youth organisations in countries and areas close to Europe, namely Algeria, Israel, Kazakhstzan and the Asian part of Russia. “Members of such organisations should be able to apply to AEGEE events a bit easier as just externals, they should be able to send visitors to Agoras,” he proposes. Alexey also want to promote contacts with student organisations in major democratic countries such as the USA, Canada and Australia.
This mail triggered a very controversial discussion. Alexey then created a non-formal group called “The Ambassadors”, who would like to put the above mentioned ideas in practice on a non-formal level – without official involvement of AEGEE-Europe.
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1st August 2019
The Gallery of All Presidents of AEGEE-Europe
Here is the gallery of all Presidents of AEGEE-Europe - with photos of every one of them. Enjoy the list!