The Agora Salerno stage has started and is full of candidates who want your vote! For sure you have read all about their programmes in the official booklet, so now you want to find out more about them, their hobbies, whether they can cook and which AEGEE member they would take with them on a deserted island. In short: classic first date questions from the Internet! The GT will take you on a date with the candidates. In this edition: Fotis Nousis, the new President of AEGEE-Athina and candidate for the Audit Commission of AEGEE-Europe.
Golden Times: Are you afraid of your candidature speech on the Agora stage? And how will you prepare for it?
Fotis Nousis: Unfortunately I can’t attend the Agora because of my work schedule and I am so sad about it, although I made a video to introduce myself and to present my goals as a candidate.
GT: How did you join AEGEE exactly? How did you find out about it?
Fotis: My mentor was an old President of AEGEE-Peiraias. She did her internship in the hospital where I am working and after her presentation of AEGEE I was all in. Love on the first sight.
GT: How long did it take you from the first moment you heard about it until you signed the membership form and joined AEGEE?
Fotis: Some months, because first I wanted to open again AEGEE-Peiraias but it was impossible so I joined AEGEE-Athina.
GT: What’s the typical drink and food you bring to European Nights?
Fotis: Of course ouzo and feta cheese.
GT: At an AEGEE party where will we find you? On the dancefloor? Talking at the bar?
Fotis: Probably on the dancefloor. I am party animal.
GT: What was your first position in the local board?
Fotis: Treasurer.
GT: What was your favourite event as organiser – and why is it your favourite?
Fotis: Of course the Summer University. It’s an amazing experience that you will have memories for the rest of your life.
GT: There is a classic typology of AEGEE members, dividing them according to the three aspects fun member, career member and idealist – to which percentage are you which of these aspects?
Fotis: 40% Career member, 40% Fun Member, 20% Idealist.

GT: What do your parents think about the idea that you are so active in AEGEE?
Fotis: Firstly they couldn’t understand why I am so into AEGEE. Then they realize how important is for me because they saw how happy I feel with that.
GT: What other hobbies do you have aside from AEGEE?
Fotis: Basketball and music.
GT: What was the last book you really got into?
Fotis: “Persuasion” by Borg James.
GT: What TV series do you keep coming back to and re-watching?
Fotis: Prison Break.
GT: What are some obscure things that you are or were really into?
Fotis: Electronic music and Psy-Trance Festivals.
GT: What’s your favourite app on your phone?
Fotis: Instagram.
GT: What nickname do or did you have – and why?
Fotis: They call me Fonou – from FOtis NOUsis.
GT: Do you like cooking and if yes – what’s your favourite dish you like to cook?
Fotis: Yeah, when I have time. But I am not the best. Omelette and Pasta.
GT: What’s never missing in your fridge?
Fotis: Beers!
GT: What do you study – and why?
Fotis: I am a graduate of Biomedical Science. Generally I love sciences. Also I am third year Business and Economics student. I have a big love for economics from childhood.
GT: What’s your dream job?
Fotis: Hospital Director.
GT: What’s the favourite city or place on this planet you ever visited?
Fotis: Rome and Lisbon.
GT: And where would you really like to go?
Fotis: Somewhere in the Caribbean and San Francisco.
GT: Please complete the sentence: “AEGEE is for me…”
Fotis: AEGEE is for me the new “Brave New World”.
GT: How would you describe yourself in a few keywords?
Fotis: Crazy PSYentist is experimenting in TECHNOlogy world.
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