A few days ago AEGEE-Dresden has been accredited as European Voluntary Service (EVS) host and sending organization. EVS has had a major impact on the lives of many thousands of young people over the past 20 years. More than 100.000 young people between 17 and 30 took part in this EU programme, developing skills and competences by contributing to the work of an organisation. Next to AEGEE-Dresden also AEGEE-León possesses this prestigious status. The GT spoke with AEGEE-Dresden member Jan Philipp Rauprich (21) about the great news.
GT: What motivated AEGEE-Dresden to apply for EVS host and sending organisation?
Jan Philipp Rauprich: A great man told me you do not have to look where you are. You have to think where you could be. In my opinion an EVS is a win-win situation for our antenna and members. Our antenna can get a great push and can get a lot of work done for matters for which we don’t have enough resources in the moment. On the other hand the volunteer can focus 100% on AEGEE and has one year time to create something remaining in Dresden. With an EVS we can manage a lot of projects and can empower the role of our small and young antenna in the network.
GT: When start the procedure and when did you get the good news?
Philipp: We started the process nine months ago with the great idea and writing of the application. Afterwards we had to hand in some legal stuff. The longest time was to wait for the appointment with the person from the national agency. In general, you just have to be aware of the deadline for the project.
GT: You will be EVS organisation for how long? When and how does it renewed?
Philipp: The accreditation lasts till the end of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme in 2020. You get renewed by writing a new application.
GT: How many people can you host?
Philipp: We can host maximum one in the moment because of the size of our office. However, it is also on our bucket list to get a bigger office with more space for more EVS volunteers!
GT: Are they already interested people?
Philipp: We are open for all kind of applications from all over Europe. So if you want a year full of AEGEE you should apply.
GT: What can your EVS guests work on in AEGEE-Dresden?
Philipp: There are so many possibilities. You can take an active part in the organisation of our great projects such as Develop Yourself. We are also responsible for the Buddy Program at the University of Dresden, so you can work directly with international students. There are also a lots of grants we applied for, which give you money for your own project. For us it is really important that you can fulfil your dreams in our antenna by creating your own project and deal with matters you are interested in. Besides, we encourage you to take an active role on the European level of AEGEE.
GT: How many EVS locals in AEGEE do you know of?
Philipp: I know of AEGEE-León, which does a great work and has a lots of experience concerning EVS. Also AEGEE-Valletta is an accredited organisation.
More info:
- AEGEE-Dresden on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AEGEE.Dresden
- EVS page of the European Commission: https://europa.eu/youth/EU/voluntary-activities/european-voluntary-service_en
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