AEGEE’s most important training event returns to Enschede! Four years after the last European School 1 (ES1) was organized in this city, the Agora host of spring 2017 invites you again to this magnificent training, which takes place from 13th to 20th of May 2018. 25 people will have the chance to learn everything about antenna and project management from some of the best trainers in the network. The deadline is approaching – you can only apply until 28th of February. Don’t miss this chance! The Golden Times interviewed the ES1 Committee of AEGEE-Enschede: Rik Smale, Timo Haarman, Teun Kok, Patrick Rozema, Martijn van Dorp and Suzanne de Vette.
Golden Times: What will the participants learn at the ES1?
ES1 Committee: The European School 1 is an one week long intense training event full of interactive workshops, discussions, case work and, of course, social programme. During a week the 25 participants will develop skills, acquire knowledge and practice tasks relevant to their work in their locals or AEGEE bodies, but also relevant to project management in youth work.
Golden Times: So it is a very hands-on event?
ES1 Committee: Yes. You don’t just hear about how to improve your local, but you’ll also implement it right away since the main focus of this training is antenna management. But this is not all you learn! You will also get to know more enthusiastic AEGEEans from a lot of different countries. The organisers in Enschede will make sure that you’ll have a place to sleep, that you can get around in the city during this amazing week and will provide you food – do you remember those amazing meatballs?

Golden Times: What’s the ideal participant?
ES1 Committee: The participants should be inquisitive, eager to learn and enthusiastic about meeting other people. It is suitable for all motivated but less experienced AEGEEans who decided to take an active role in their local boards and change the current status of their antenna to a superactive one!
Golden Times: Why does AEGEE-Enschede host the European School 1?
ES1 Committee: The European School 1 has been successfully organized by the AEGEE-Academy since 1999! If it keeps coming back there must be a reason, right? AEGEE-Enschede has a lot of good experiences with organizing European Schools before, and always likes to organize a well-structured, serious training event!
Golden Times: How was the ES1 that your antenna organized four years ago?
ES1 Committee: In 2014 AEGEE-Enschede organised the last European School 1. Back then 24 participants from all over Europe, from Russia to England and from Cyprus to Finland came to Enschede to participate in the training. The participants also joined a cantus and visited our members for a dinner together.

Golden Times: What are you preparing this year in terms of local organisation and social programme of the European School 1?
ES1 Committee: As local organisers, we are arranging everything besides the training itself. The training will be organized by the trainers and the AEGEE-Academy. Aside from the accommodation, catering, transport in Enschede and coffee breaks, we are arranging a social programme. A typical bar night in our own bar Asterion, a cantus, which is a singing and beer festivity, and a pub crawl are among others part of the social programme.
Golden Times: How much is the fee and what’s in it?
ES1 Committee: The fee will be 100 Euro; visa participants pay 5 Euros less. This fee will cover the transport within Enschede, three meals per day, coffee breaks, accommodation, workshop material and the social programme.

Golden Times: Where can potential participants find out more about the event?
ES1 Committee: Check our Facebook page, the Facebook event and at the sign up form.
Golden Times: Anything you would like to add?
ES1 Committee: The only thing we wish for this event are a lot of motivated AEGEEans willing to participate in all the cool stuff, both the social programme as well the material which our trainers will prepare for them, in order to analyse their inner self and rock their upcoming board years!