AEGEE-Kraków is one of the most active antennae in Europe – they organise many events, such as high-profile trainings, an AEGEE Oscar Night and many more. They also organized already two statutory events: a Presidents Meeting in 1992 and an Agora in 2018. Next year there will be a third one: In February AEGEE-Kraków will host the European Planning Meeting 2023. Check out the interview with the organisers!

Golden Times: AEGEE-Kraków will host the next EPM. How did you react when you were notified that you got it?
EPM Team: We were thrilled! We, and especially the main organizer Martyna Zapalska, put a lot of thought and time into the application. We did a lot of research beforehand and it is such a pleasant feeling to see that it paid off. All of our members are grateful and excited to start our work on EPM 2023.
GT: When you applied, you did not know the EPM topic yet: “The European Project: Democracy and Europe after Brexit, COVID and Ukraine?” What do you think about the topic, how are they reflected in your life and the reality in your country?
EPM Team: The topic of the EPM is very close to us – especially the part concerning Ukraine. In our antenna, we have a lot of Ukrainian people whose families had to stay in their country regarding the war. Through our actions, we are trying to help Ukrainian refugees and share awareness on the topic. We believe that discussing it during the EPM will help people from other counties realize that the war is still going on and it is never too late to take action and help.
GT: How did you get the idea to apply for this prestigious event? What was your motivation?
EPM Team: After hard times for all of us because of Covid-19 we wanted to step up on the European level and connect with other AEGEEans we haven’t got a chance to meet yet. The new board, who was the trailblazer of organizing the EPM in Kraków, is very ambitious and eager to work! How could they let this opportunity slip away?

GT: Did it play a role for your application that your antenna organised already two statutory events, including recently a very good Agora?
EPM Team: We believe it surely did! It made us feel more confident in the decision process – we keep in touch with organizers of Agora 2018, if we have questions or doubts we can 100% count on them and their help. Till this day the Agora in Kraków remains one of the best organized ones and we are very proud of it as an antenna – we would love to continue the legacy!
GT: Why didn’t you apply for hosting another Agora instead of an EPM?
EPM Team: We already had a chance to organize an Agora recently. We are very proud of it but we want to try something else as well. The EPM is completely new for us and we love the challenge.
GT: Does the Agora organising experience help you in organising the EPM?
EPM Team: Partially it does help as we have an idea of what to expect from a statutory event. However, the EPM is obviously not the Agora – because of this we are looking forward to finding out the difference in regards to being the hosting local. Also, a lot has changed in the last few years so it’s no surprise that some things are different from 2018.

GT: Do you already have a team working on EPM? Who is in the core team?
EPM Team: Yes we do! Our amazing core team:
- The Main Organizer: Martyna Zapalska
- Treasurer: Michalina Górka
- HR Responsible: Sylwia Laskowska
- FR Responsible: Kamila Bielecka
- PR Responsible: Zuzanna Ogiegło
- Logistics Responsible: Katarzyna Szkopek
- Social Program Responsible: Sara Kotlarz
- Incoming Responsible: Aleksander Zięba
GT: Kraków is a beautiful city that will surely attract many participants. How many people can you host?
EPM Team: We are planning to host around 100 participants.
GT: What can you tell us about accommodation and the place the sessions will take place?
EPM Team: For now, all we can tell you is that we are working towards organizing the EPM in a very comfortable setting – we don’t want to ruin the surprise!

GT: What kind of social programme can we expect?
EPM Team: Definitely a fun one! We are looking into different party options as well as alternatives so that everyone will socialize in a way that suits them.
GT: Will you or other antennae offer some pre-event or post-event for the EPM? If yes, what?
EPM Team: As for now, we are considering different options – if any antenna is planning a pre-event or a post-event, feel free to get in touch with us!
GT: What can you tell us about your antenna? How many members do you have and what are the activity highlights in 2022?
EPM Team: AEGEE-Kraków is a group of amazing, motivated people who love to take part and organize different projects. At the moment we have around 50 members. During the year we usually organise projects and events in the field of project management, PR, self-development, sexual education or equal access to education. We are only half way through 2022 so there are a lot of plans for the next semester!
GT: Anything you would like to add?
EPM Team: We are looking forward to welcoming you to Kraków in February 2023!