Tonight is the big finale of the Eurovision Song Contest – and the Golden Times managed to get a glimpse at the biggest event on European television. Les Anciens member Clara Kindlund, former President from AEGEE-Lund and acting vice chair of the Agoras in Hamburg and Barcelona, saw the “jury finale” live in Malmö on Friday night. This show is identical to the finale on Saturday, all votes of the juries are based on it. “I loved the show!”, Clara told the Golden Times. Her impression after watching and listening to all singers: “Anouk from the Netherlands stand out!”

Golden Times: Clara, you saw the rehearsal for the final on Friday night live. How was it?
Clara Kindlund: I loved the show! The entrance of the participants is so great. And it is always fantastic to see it all live, of course. Eurovision has always been very big in Sweden, it is so cool that the interest now is bigger also in other contesting countries. I’m in European village right now and writing to you between acts on my mobile.
Golden Times: Are you there for fun or work, by the way?
Clara: For fun. But you know, I live only 200 meters away and also my office is overlooking the Eurovision Village. So I really got a Eurovision overdose this past week.
Golden Times: The jury voting is based on last night’s show – did you hear some jury results already?
Clara: No, the jury votes were not revealed. There was a fake voting procedure at the show last night. But I read that the voting order of the 39 countries is official.
Golden Times: Who got most applause last night?
Clara: There was a lot of cheering during and after most acts! Except for Sweden I would say Denmark, Norway, Germany and Netherlands received most applause.
Golden Times: Who was outstanding? And whom would you like to see winning?
Clara: Well, I didn’t like Anouk’s song so much the first time I heard it, but the Netherlands stands out. Apart for some not so good songs and performances, I think the quality makes it harder to have a favorite this year. For selfish reasons I’d like Denmark to win – so we can have the party all over again next year!
Golden Times: Can you tell us more around the atmosphere around the contest in Malmö
Clara: It is great! Of course there are a lot of people from all over Europe – doesn’t it remind us of something? There are sun and happy faces everywhere. The nicely decorated arena has a fantastic sound. I really liked the acts on stage – hope you will like it too tonight! The formula has changed a bit since my last visit some years ago in Copenhagen, everything got a lot bigger and even more commercial. But it is the same party!

Golden Times: You have been at the shows before?
Clara: I have not been to Eurovision in Sweden before, but in 2001 in Denmark, the year after the Olsen Brothers won. And that party was absolutely something! And I’ve also been a few times to the Swedish contests to pick our song. It is always as big a party and similar show to this one actually – but with less European vibe.
Golden Times: Do the songs sound better live than on TV?
Clara: Yes, I think some of them did! And as always, you can see who the real artists are… And also the other way around, some songs were more dull live, for example Denmark, which actually surprised me. Some songs were better at getting the audience going, such as Ireland. Generally – it’s better live!
Golden Times: How did people like the Romanian song? Many people made fun of it, but the guy has an impressive voice after all.
Clara: The Romanian song was actually received quite well, but in my opinion some of the applause was perhaps polite…?

Golden Times: Why don’t you go to the show tonight?
Clara: No tickets for tonight… I tried to get them and logged in the same minute as they opened the ticket selling, but there was no chance.
Golden Times: How much did the tickets for the rehearsal night cost – and was it worth it?
Clara: I paid around 90 Euro for good seats – I think it was the best category. I heard there were some tickets for as low as 10 Euro, but then with obstructed view of the stage. Anyway, it was definitely worth it!
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