The Summer University is Back: SU Istanbul 2021

Check out the Summer University AEGEE-Istanbul is planning for you. Their event is…

The Summer University is Back: SU Lviv 2021

Check out the Summer University AEGEE-Lviv is planning for you. Their event is…

The Summer University is Back: SU Catania 2021

Award-winning AEGEE-Catania is organising an SU in 2021, with several covid…

The fate of the Summer University 2020 hangs in the balance

Because of the Coronavirus the fate of AEGEE’s trademark project, the Summer…

Mititei, Tuica and Canned Beer: A Romanian SU in 1992

You might wonder how Romania was like after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Here is a…

TSU Tarthoven: “We will travel in a real AEGEE plane!”

Maybe the most ambitious Summer University is organised by AEGEE-Tartu and…