7777 likes: the Golden Times, AEGEE’s favourite online magazine, hit a new high last week. The anniversary fan is Bea Nagy, fresh AEGEE member from Budapest, who joined AEGEE in in order to take part in the Summer University of AEGEE-León. “The experience exceeded all my expectations”, Bea told the GT. Fun fact: Bea is also member of AIESEC, but is planning to get more active in AEGEE as well. Look out for her at your next international event!

Golden Times: Congratulations, you are the 7777th fan of the Golden Times! How did you discover it?
Bea Nagy: Thank you very much. I was surprised that I got a message about being the 7777th like of Golden Times, to be honest, I wouldn’t have discovered it by myself! Thank you for the opportunity, and the interesting questions!
GT: Tell us more about yourself! What do you study, how old are you, where are you from and where do you live?
Bea: I am 19 years old, I am from the lovely capital city of Hungary, Budapest, and I have been living here ever since I was born. Currently, I am a freshman at the Technical University of Budapest (BME), studying Computer Engineering BSc.
GT: How and when did you join AEGEE-Budapest?
Bea: I first heard about AEGEE during the freshman camp of my university, where all the student organizations of the university represented themselves. As I am very much interested in different cultures and I love being in an international atmosphere, I immediately started looking for international student organizations and soon discovered AEGEE. Although AEGEE caught my attention, I decided to join another organization that time. However, I subscribed for the local AEGEE newsletter, so I continuously got informed about their current opportunities. Once I read about Summer Universities, and I loved the idea behind the programme, so I decided to ask around and search for an SU that suits me and my summer timeline. To participate in that, I needed to be a local member, so I decided to join the organization.

GT: Which Summer University did you attend?
Bea: I applied for a Summer University organized by AEGEE-León: “Eating Europe: A Kingdom on Fire”. This was a two-week-long Travelling Summer University, which allowed us to discover the local culture and gastronomy of the Northwestern part of Spain, and the beautiful city of Porto as well.
GT: How did you like the Summer University?
Bea: Although the trip sounded astonishing from its description on the website, the experience exceeded all my expectations! Our organizers and helpers absolutely made the most out of this programme by organizing various exciting activities. Not only could we attend amazing city tours, cooking and wine tasting workshops, crazy pub crawls or unforgettable gymkhanas, but we could also enjoy pool parties, search for gold in the middle of a river, get an insight into the ancient Roman culture by visiting a Roman village and attending a representation of an ancient Roman circus, and countless other amazing activities.
GT: Sounds great!
Bea: Personally, what I loved the most about the event is experiencing the real Spanish lifestyle: partying until sunrise, taking siestas like a pro, and learning what Spanish time means in practice. The participants were from all around Europe, it was a very diverse community, which made the whole trip even better!

GT: Will you attend other AEGEE events soon?
Bea: The Summer University was my first event, but it was so memorable that I am sure it won’t be the last one. I can’t wait to apply for more opportunities in the future, take part in the activities and get to know many more amazing AEGEEans, and reunite with all the wonderful people that I got to know this summer. I heard many stories about Agoras, NWMs, RTCs, and countless other events, that I am sure I would like to try out some of them. I am planning to become active on local level as well, and I would love to help and organize some events in the future too!
GT: AEGEE-Budapest will be happy about it! What other hobbies and interests do you have beside from AEGEE?
Bea: As I study Computer Engineering, I am very much interested in technology, and scientific topics in general: reading about it, watching movies and videos and more. When I have the opportunity, I enjoy travelling and getting to know new places in my country and abroad as well, I love learning languages: I speak English, I started learning German and Spanish too – I still have to improve a lot, but I’m working on it – and I like learning about new cultures in general. As for sports, my favourite ones are water sports like swimming, but I also enjoy skiing, jogging and doing yoga when I have some free time.
GT: That sounds like a busy schedule. According to Facebook that you are also active in AIESEC?
Bea: I have been an active member of AIESEC for a year now. I was in a marketing team for a term, then I was a team leader at the Global Volunteer program, selecting the incoming international volunteers for our partner schools, making their exchanges happen and helping them in their personal development. Currently, I am selecting incoming international interns for our Global Talent program. I also had the opportunity help the recruitment of local members, and to be an organizer of a national conference for 150 local members last summer; I was responsible for sponsorships there. I love being a member as it continuously gives me an opportunity to develop myself and help other people at the same time, and I also love the community at our Local Committee: we have become good friends with many members by now.
GT: In many cities there is a certain rivalry between AEGEE and AIESEC, but not in Budapest?
Bea: To be honest, as both are international student organizations, there is a reason to have rivalry between them, as they attract members with similar mindsets. However, I personally haven’t experienced rivalry here, people are generally accepting in both organizations. I have more experience in AIESEC, so I can tell more about their side; they try to build cooperation with other organizations, because it benefits everyone more than being against each other.

GT: What do you like most about each of these organizations?
Bea: What I love about both organizations is being international, accepting everybody and the differences between us, supporting each other, and of course, I love the members and the community in general. I wouldn’t like to compare the two without having enough experience in AEGEE, as it would give a false image, but maybe I can tell more about this in the future.
GT: How do you see yourself in five years?
Bea Nagy: It is hard for me to make long-term plans, as everything can change so quickly in my life. For example, one year ago, I was planning to have a degree in Economics, but now here I am, studying IT, which is quite a big change, I think. As for now, in five years I would like to have my BSc degree and hopefully the MSc as well, with some work experience through internships for example. Also, I would like to explore Europe more, visit many countries, attend exchanges, build international friendships, make memories and make the most out of my university years.
GT: How would you describe yourself in five keywords?
Bea Nagy: I would say open-minded, because I am generally open to new ideas, different visions and mindsets. I am a perfectionist, I try to make the most out of my work, and I am very motivated when it comes to important tasks. Also, I am usually punctual – except for being on time for places, that’s something I still need to work on – and adaptable; I have a positive view of changes, and I always try to improve everything as I can.