AEGEE is like a self-development laboratory and the perfect preparation for the job-life: Anne Kautzschmann from AEGEE-Bamberg has a clear view on the impact of the association. “AEGEE shows me my weaknesses and strengthens my strengths”, says the only candidate for the vacant position in the Summer University Coordination Team at the Agora in Bucharest. If you meet her there, try her peppermint liquor “Pfeffi” at the European Night. Anne: “It tastes like mouthwash, but I promise it’s super nice!”

Golden Times: Do you usually read candidate interviews in the Golden Times or AEGEEan Magazine?
Anne Kautzschmann: Oh yes, if I notice them and read them especially if I know the candidates.
GT: Where would you be now if you hadn’t joined AEGEE?
Anne: I think I would be more engaged in supporting young refugees in my home region. I used to help them with teaching German, homework and the preparation for their graduation.
GT: How did you join AEGEE exactly? How did you find out about it?
Anne: I joined AEGEE because my lovely roommate had already been a member of AEGEE-Bamberg and she convinced me to join the regular meetings.
GT: How long did it take you from the first moment until you signed the membership form and joined AEGEE?
Anne: Not very long, I think it was only two weeks until I signed the membership form and paid the fee.
GT: What’s the typical drink and food you bring to European Nights?
Anne: I bring along the “cold dog” – it’s a traditional cake with dark chocolate and cookies from East Germany as well.
GT: At an AEGEE party where will we find you? On the dancefloor? Talking at the bar?
Anne: Through the years I got to know so many people – that is why I love to celebrate with as many as I can.
GT: What was your first position in the local board?
Anne: I was PR Responsible.
GT: What was your favourite event as an organiser – and why is it your favourite
Anne: The Summer University in Bamberg in 2018. I enjoyed it so much because I learned how to avoid stress by having a better strategy as main organizer. We all improved so much in organizing, a smoother and more clear execution, applying the hints our members gained during SUPS. I had an amazing hardworking team and we are all motivated to burn this year’s SU as well!
GT: What was your first Agora and how did you feel there? Happy, excited, overwhelmed, lost?
Anne: My first Agora was the Autumn Agora in Catania 2017. I think it was an emotion cocktail containing all of the mentioned feelings. What I strongly remember was that I gathered a huge motivation, which kept me engaged in AEGEE and I knew this was just the beginning of my AEGEE story.

GT: Have you ever hitchhiked to an AEGEE event?
Anne: I never hitchhiked to an AEGEE event. I do not even know if hitchhiking is a thing I would like, but I definitely want to try out in the future.
GT: Do you like cooking and what’s your favourite dish you like to cook?
Anne: I love cooking because I love eating! I like it spicey – that’s why I love to cook curry or chilli con carne.
GT: What’s never missing in your fridge?
Anne: Cheese.
GT: What do your parents think about the idea that you are so active in AEGEE?
Anne: Sometimes they are a bit worried that I get kidnapped someday because I travel so much with AEGEE, but in general they are proud and support my imvolvement.
GT: In a typology of members there are the three aspects fun member, career member and idealist – to which percentage are you which of these aspects?
Anne: I am 40% fun member, 40% idealist member and 20% career member.
GT: What other hobbies do you have aside from AEGEE?
Anne: My second passion besides AEGEE is playing rugby, I sit so much in front of my laptop that I need physical compensation. Moreover, I like to paint and try to express my thoughts.

GT: Did you consider joining a political party or maybe want to do it later?
Anne: I see big potential and things to change in my home region. A countryish region in the East of Germany, I can imagine getting active there to support the development towards creating a more heterogeneously mixed population and increasing a bigger awareness for cultural tolerance.
GT: What do you study – and why?
Anne: I study teaching profession, because it fills me with joy to prepare young people for their future. As a teacher, you bear a big responsibility and especially with the medium book you decide what they learn and give them food for new thoughts.
GT: What’s your dream job?
Anne: I hope that I will find a job which doesn’t feel like work, where I can realise myself and contribute something to society.
GT: What’s the favourite city or place on this planet you ever visited?
Anne: Iceland.
GT: And where would you really like to go?
Anne: Colombia.
GT: What’s your biggest frustration in AEGEE?
Anne: To be honest, so far I haven’t experienced so much frustration in AEGEE.
GT: Please complete the sentence: “AEGEE is for me…”
Anne: …self-realisation, friendship and family. The idea of creating an opportunity for young people to follow their interests for a worthy cause and combining it with travelling through Europe and meeting amazing people is awesome! The longer I am active in AEGEE the more I explore how many opportunities Europe offers and the more I get to know myself. I can really say that AEGEE has one of the biggest impacts on my life. It shows me my weaknesses, strengthens my strengths – AEGEE is like a self-development laboratory and the perfect preparation for the job-life.
GT: How would you describe yourself in a few keywords?
Anne: Creative, dreamy and always curious.
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