Is it really a surprise that the 1800th fan of the Golden Times is an AEGEE-Kyiv member? Hardly any other antenna in Europe has so many active people on all levels and bodies of AEGEE. Ania Polishchuk, the latest anniversary fan, is just starting her career in the miraculous world of AEGEE, but already now she is convinced about one thing: “I will definitely leave my footprint at the European level.” Ania also revealed to the Golden Times the secret of AEGEE-Kyiv.
Golden Times: Ania, I’m a bit confused. On Facebook you call yourself both Hanna and Ania Polishchuk. So which is your real name?
Ania Polishchuk (smiles): Both names are real. You know, in Ukraine we have two languages in our passport: Ukrainian and Russian. On one side my name is written as Hanna, on the other – as Anna. Here, in Ukraine, Hanna and Anna are the same. And Ania is just less official form. I like both, so you can choose any of those.
Golden Times: How did you hear about the Golden Times?
Ania (smiles again): Actually, from you! I received a personal message one day before the New Year, and checked the page for the first time. Then, I decided to follow it after the Spring Rhein-Neckar Agora.
Golden Times: How and when did you join AEGEE-Kyiv?
Ania: Two years ago I was working at the same company as Olga Volovyk, the current PR responsible of AEGEE-Kyiv. That summer she was at a Summer University, and when she came back, she gave me a souvenir and told me about her trip, adventures, and about AEGEE in general. So, inspired by her story, I found the AEGEE website, registered, and started to observe. It took some time, but a few months later I went to my first AEGEE meeting for newcomers. I was so inspired, that I decided, “I want to be a part of this organization!” And as my childhood dream was to go abroad, I saw this opportunity here, and last summer I crossed the Ukrainian border for the first time! For this I am very thankful to AEGEE and to those, who helped me on my way!

Golden Times: Tell us more about yourself!
Ania: I am 20 years old, and expect a Bachelor’s Degree this year in International Economics. This field of study is interesting, but I would like to do something more than analyzing the world economy… I am dreaming about changing the world for the better, and I already have some ideas! I have many dreams that may come true one day: I want to be a chief cook, a doctor, and a bump artist like Jackie Chan, and I want to go travel to Space!
Golden Times: Talking about career plans: as a child, what did you dream to be your future job after growing up?
Ania: Oh, this is hard to answer. I had so many dreams, but one of them was to be an astronaut. I always wanted to explore something that is hard to reach.
Golden Times: So what’s your dream job now, if not an international economist?
Ania: In my field of study I like more the first word “International”. I would like to work in a company or organization, which deals with international matters. Moreover, I would like my future job to be connected to people, for example human resources, event organizer, social worker – something from this area. The knowledge on global economy, marketing and international business helped me to understand the general conditions and peculiarities of different countries. Thus, I can understand problems more globally, to see the easiest solution.

Golden Times: What other hobbies and interests do you have beside from AEGEE? For example, I saw you playing guitar on Facebook…
Ania: This is a looong topic for me, as I have lots of interests and my hobbies are changing from time to time. The instrument you saw is one thing I love to do now, I learn to play the guitar by myself. It does not sound very well for the first two weeks, but I am working on it. I adore sports and active leisure, so I tried many things in my life: swimming, dancing, karate, jogging, skating, some acrobatics and so on and on… I love to learn languages as it widens my horizons. So, beside Ukrainian, Russian and English, I know French, a little bit of German, and I study Spanish by myself. Let’s see, how far I will go. But most of all, I like to meet with old friends, and make new ones. I value every person I met, and try to keep in touch with everyone, because they are one of the reasons I live, really!
Golden Times: Are you in the board of AEGEE-Kyiv?
Ania: Not yet. I still have time to make the right decision, what exact function would be best. Currently I take part in our local project AEGEE LOcal Trips (ALOT). We organize trips around Ukraine and make them affordable for the AEGEE members.

Golden Times: What are your future plans in AEGEE? Will we see you on European level of AEGEE like so many other people from Kyiv?
Ania: I hope you will. I just connected to the Culture Working Group, and I find it interesting to take part in different projects of this Working Group. I will definitely leave my footprint at the European level.
Golden Times: What’s the secret of AEGEE-Kyiv, by the way? Why are so many people active locally and internationally?
Ania (smiles): As you probably heard, Ukraine has a very fertile soil. But not only the soil, where plenty of vegetables grow, but also educational soil. I think that at school our teachers make us extremely motivated. And restrictions, which we usually feel in different fields of our life, make us stronger and pushing before our goals and dreams.

Golden Times: You were at the Rhein-Neckar Agora – what are your best memories of it?
Ania: Actually, everything! All that I saw there was so exciting! Germany, the Castle, parties, old and new friends, tunak dance, projects, workshops, speeches, videos and so many people in one place – it was amazing!
Golden Times: What was the best event you’ve visited so far in AEGEE?
Ania: I visited two events so far: the Summer University in Ljubljana in 2012 and the Rhein-Neckar Agora. They are completely different, and both are the best for me.
Golden Times: Where will we be able to see you this year in AEGEE?
Ania: Anytime in Kyiv, within my local. And if things go right with my studies, you will see me working at the European level.
Golden Times: Now please complete this sentence: “AEGEE for me is…”
Ania: AEGEE for me is an international unity of motivated people, who spread and implement their ideas!
Golden Times: How would you describe yourself in five keywords?
Ania: Curious, communicative, childish, dreaming, changeable.