Agora: that means sitting a lot in plenaries, prytannia and workshops. In case you want to be a bit more active before three long days of sitting, you should attend the Agora pre-event “Lets burn the fire together” by AEGEE-Çanakkale. The date: 25th till 30th of April. It’s all about sports, treasure hunt and enjoying Turkish hospitality. And: you will travel together with all participants to the Agora in Patra! Read, what organizer Aslı Köksal told the Golden Times about this event.
Golden Times: Why did you choose to organize a pre-event for Agora Patra? Aren’t you a bit far away?
Aslı Köksal: Maybe Patra looks far away from Çanakkale, but Çanakkale is the shortest crossing point from Turkey in terms of transportation to Patra.

Golden Times: You choose sports as main topic. Which kind of sports will you do?
Aslı: We are planning to play a treasure hunt game. This includes so many types of sports, for example volleyball, basketball and other ball games. Our participants will have a mission during the game and all these missions are about sports. With every game our participants discover more about Çanakkale. Moreover, there will be a bike tour.
Golden Times: Do you have good teachers for your sports activities?
Aslı: Yes, we will have professional sports teachers from our university.
Golden Times: What is the Games of Troy day about?
Aslı: It’s a great sports event. Check out the video:
Golden Times: Can also less sporty people take part?
Aslı: Of course, the sports activities won’t be hard. Moreover, the participants will have also a lot of time to relax.
Golden Times: What will be the non-sport related highlights?
Aslı: We will visit many historical places in Çanakkale.
Golden Times: Are there also workshops. What will they be about?
Aslı: We will have an American football workshop, other sports workshops and an Agora workshop.

Golden Times: What can you tell us about parties?
Aslı: They will be thematic – for example our participants will wear sports clothes for a party – and one of the theme will be European Night.
Golden Times: How much is the participation fee?
Aslı: 45 Euros.
Golden Times: How will the transfer to the Agora be? And how much does it cost?
Aslı: The event will be start in Çanakkale. From there we will go to Thessaloniki, where we will have a city tour. After that the final destination will be Patra and we will return to Çanakkale when the Agora ends. All travels will be by bus. The fee is 100 Euros.
Click on the links for more info:
- Facebook page:
- Event on the AEGEE Intranet:
- Application form: