There is one thing about the upcoming spring Agora in Enschede that is for sure – the organisers have a lot of ambitions. On their website they are promising: “Spring Agora Enschede as a turning point in European youth involvement.” Their just published first press release has the title: “A European Revolution.” You can become an eyewitness of this event, which will take place from 2nd till 5th of May. The application period started. Until 7th of March you have the chance to apply here: https://www.zeus.aegee.org/statutory/ag1205/. This is also valid for members of AEGEE’s alumni association Les Anciens. With more than 1000 participants this will be one of the biggest Agoras ever. Also the founder of AEGEE-Europe will be there.
Organising an Agora is nothing new for AEGEE-Enschede. The antennae in the East of the Netherlands did it twice before: in spring 1997 and in spring 2005. But what makes that Agora with the energetic motto “Connect today, Fusion tomorrow” so different from the 52 Agoras before?

The opening plenary will take place on Wednesday, 2nd of May, in the afternoon. In the morning there will be workshops about the Agora and other events. The opening ceremony will take place after the opening plenary. The last plenary will be on Saturday, 5th of May, in the evening. The organisers strongly advise the participants to arrive on the 1st of May, so they can enjoy the activities on Wednesday morning. Accomodation will be on from Tuesday, 1st of May. There will also be a welcome party on that day, because despite of all ambitions and visions the Agora is also a place to have fun. And where else does European integration better work than during an Agora party?
Further information:
Agora Enschede website: http://agoraenschede.org/
Agora Enschede Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/agoraenschede
Agora Enschede Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/106754036095084/