It was a big surprise when the host of the autumn Agora 2016 was announced today. Many expected that it would be a big antenna like AEGEE-Ankara, which openly talked about applying. However, AEGEE-Chişinău received the honour, an antenna with less than 40 members, but a lot of enthusiasm and dedication. They organised two Summer Universities and an Agora Kyiv pre-event (see group photo on the top) in the past five months. The Golden Times asked an overwhelmed Ana Tricolici, PR Coordinator of the antenna in the capital of Moldova, more about their Agora plans.

GT: How do you feel after the great news that your antenna was selected for the Autumn Agora 2016?
Ana Tricolici: This great news is our Christmas gift. We are extremely excited and overwhelmed with positive emotions. It is a great challenge for us but we love challenges and we are determined to give the best that we can in order to organize a successful Agora in Chisinau, Moldova!
GT: When did you get the idea about applying for the Agora for the first time?
Ana Tricolici: The idea of organizing an Agora in Moldova started to crystallize in summer. It was actually the biggest dream of our President, Andrei Dodita. After organizing a successful Summer University and a TSU, firstly, we had an idea just to organize the pre-event for Agora Kyiv. Since that moment, we have taken the decision to apply for the Autumn Agora 2016.

GT: Was it a lot of work to make the application in such a short time?
Ana Tricolici: Yes, but nothing is impossible.
GT: What was the biggest challenge in making the application?
Ana Tricolici: The venue and the budget of course.
GT: Can you already tell us about the locations for plenary and gym?
Ana Tricolici: For the lodging the total surface of the hall is 6050 square meters and it is just perfect for an Agora. The plenaries will take place in an institution of higher education in Moldova.

GT: How many people can come?
Ana Tricolici: We are expecting between 600 and 800 participants.
GT: Do AEGEE members need a visa for entering Moldova?
Ana Tricolici: All citizens of the European continent and the Caucasus do not require visa to enter in Moldova. More than this, the citizens from the European Union can enter in Moldova just with an ID Card in new format.
GT: Moldova is a beautiful country. Will there be pre-events or post-events which show the participants more of it?
Ana Tricolici: We will think about this…