Who is the AEGEE member of the year 2015? Which antenna, which project was the best? The Golden Times asked more than 50 locally or Europeanly active members. In the eighth edition: read what Anna Pykhtina, Jorge Sánchez Hernández, Joanna Incorvaja, Maarten de Groot, Miljana Vulevic and Eric Luckner said.
Anna Pykhtina (Smailikova), Main organiser of Agora Kyiv
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
Definitely organizing #AutumnAgoraKyїv2015.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
I guess the strongest one is the celebration of our anniversary – for 30 years we are building our present, shaping Europe, creating possibilities for youth and speaking out loud! That’s something to be proud of!
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Apart from the Agora and all events there was something that makes me still proud of: Summer University Project School in Cluj-Napoca. Only because of an amazing team of trainers the event was just perfect! So, Ioana, time-management profi, Ksenia, creative genius, Antonis, a kid with a huge kind heart, and Loudest Luca, amazing speaker, are my heroes together with Jorge, AEGEE-Dresden, who is my good friend and always supported me.
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
Indeed I will nominate my beloved AEGEE-Kyiv – I am not a president anymore, so it’s fair. These guys are absolutely insane! After we got the Agora to organize I asked the board – Daria, Vika, Olia, Hanna and Anastasia – if they would like to simply be board members or they will take part in the Agora preparations. They said they are in! Together with our amazing members we organized five European Events: the thematic conference Young Ukraine, the Night of the Seven Antennae, an Exchange with our twin AEGEE-Dresden, a Summer University and the Agora. And after all this the local is still developing, growing, so I am so damn proud of the guys!
What was for you the outstanding European project in 2015?
That’s a difficult question, since I felt the lack of activity in AEGEE this year… I mean it was almost the same active people in European Projects and Working Groups – or was I too focused on Agora? I believe AEGEEans can achieve much more. Nevertheless, the Election Observation Mission rocks once again, I totally love them!
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
Europe is changing and the world is changing. We are talking about borderless Europe in AEGEE, but some countries are closing their boarders, choosing who deserves to enter and who doesn’t. I believe, striving for a better Europe, with so many countries, we must focus on creating the possibilities for our members to open other cultures, other counties and open themselves.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
I am quite excited about it as I don’t have any big plans – being a head of the Advisory board and part of SUCT supporters give me a possibility to help when it’s needed and focus on other important things in my life.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
I am going to spend it in an amazing place in Kyiv, called Loft, in an old factory at the party with more than 1000 people – both AEGEE and non-AEGEE – around me, with music, party, tangerines and fun!
Jorge Sánchez Hernández, re-founder of AEGEE-Dresden
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
When people at the Agora Kyiv stood up and clapped looking at us when AEGEE-Dresden was upgraded to antenna. It was a real satisfaction for me; I thought: “Finally we did it, and we rocked it all the way!”
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
For sure the Night of the Seven Antennae was the most memorable moment of AEGEE-Europe this year.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Anna “Smailikova” Pykhtina, again – as I also chose her last year. She managed to make an amazing Agora in which many people didn’t have many hopes. She is the member of the year!
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
I will actually go for AEGEE-Dresden. I have seen the growth on the inside from 10 to 30 people, out of which over half are active. This year AEGEE-Dresden, which was a Contact Antenna until Agora Kyiv, managed to start meeting twice per week, organized three exchanges, one TSU, one International event called “Develop Yourself 2”, many local events, and started a great relationship with ESN TU Dresden. I can´t be more proud of my “baby”!
What was for you the outstanding European project in 2015?
Election Observation Project, quite interesting and really taking it serious.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
Youth Employment and Refugees are indeed going to take a big part of our time and topics next year. Let’s hope that we get to good positions and points, and we can make the situation a bit better with our local and international actions.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
I want to keep doing cool things that matter, that change people’s life somehow, like funding AEGEE-Dresden has, or “Develop Yourself” also has given a new perspective to many people. I am bringing up a new concept with AEGEE-Dresden that might become a revolution in how we do fundraising in AEGEE, as well as working together with AEGEE-Kyiv to do an amazing twinning year. I will stay as advisor of my “baby”, and start rocking it in SUpporters, Public Relations Committee, Youth Employment Working Group and CIRC.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
In Madrid with someone special!
Joanna Incorvaja, Speaker of the Action Agenda Coordination Committee, Secretary General of AEGEE-Valletta
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
2015 was a very lucky year for me and I had quite a few highlights. I worked on my first big project within AEGEE, being the main organizer of a project on Youth Entrepreneurship in Malta and in the EU. Through this, I had the opportunity to work in Brussels on an internship at the European Parliament with MEP Dr. Miriam Dalli, who worked hand in hand with us and presented a document of proposals to the European Commission as well as the Maltese Government. My AEGEE life reached its peak when I was chosen and elected as Speaker of the Action Agenda Coordination Committee (ACT). Check out our Facebook page here, we are a pretty cool bunch: www.facebook.com/ACT.AEGEE. I am also Secretary General of my lovely antenna, AEGEE-Valletta, and many projects are in store for us this year.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
On a personal level, my most memorable moment with the CD was during the transition party in Brussels. But seeing AEGEE-Europe as a whole, my favourite moment was, by far, Agora Asturias. This was the first Agora I have attended and a great atmosphere to be part of!
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Svenja Van Der Tol – I have had the great honour to work with our lovely CD member in ACT these past months and her hard work and dedication to our organization is admirable! She deserves to be recognized for it all!
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
AEGEE-Kyiv did a fine job this year with the Agora. Unfortunately, although I couldn’t attend, I was following it all through social media and live streaming. The coverage for the whole Agora was excellent! Kudos to the organizers and keep up the good work!
What was for you the outstanding European project in 2015?
As always, Summer University Project did a fine job during 2015, but I must give a shout out to the promising and brand new Working Groups for their effort and hard working during these past months.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
The refugee crisis and migration topic will still be on the forefront of our discussions in 2016. I do hope also, that as an organization we might pursue collaborations with non-member countries or antennas on thematic topics. I think we have a lot to learn from other countries and a lot to offer too!
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
I will definitely continue working and doing my best within ACT for the next few months. I would love to participate in the EPM and a NWM. We are also in the process of organizing another big Summer event this year. I would also love to work on a thematic project similar to last year’s and also continue working on the European level of AEGEE. Our organization offers a lot of opportunities and surprises, so who knows where AEGEE will take me during 2016?
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
No AEGEE trips unlike last year, unfortunately. I will be attending a university party with some friends. It will be an open bar – so I will definitely be starting my year AEGEE style! Bring on the New Year!
Maarten de Groot, Your Vision for EUrope project team, Agora Reform Taskforce
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
The moment I joined the “Your Vision for EUrope” project team last summer. I had already been preoccupied with questions about the future of the European project for a long time, but only at a rather abstract and academic level. This project has forced me gently to come up with concrete ideas, and, more importantly even, to work together with others who have different backgrounds and different ideas.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
The prytannium discussion on the proposal to have only proposals during one Agora, which was submitted by the Juridical Commission. It was hotly debated, and it was clear that Juridical Commission and CD were not on the same page. Afterwards, we continued the discussion with a small group up until the point we were kicked out of the restaurant. From the discussions I learnt that there are long-lasting frustrations with the workings of the Agora and that it is high time that those issues are addressed, thought through and that changes are implemented. Happily, we have the Agora reform taskforce – A-team – working on this now.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Aleksandra Kluczka. Of course, it is already amazing in case someone decides to dedicate not just one full year but even a second year of her life to AEGEE. But during EPM Burgos, I was truly impressed by her HR skills: she did a really good job in managing the brainstorming and drafting sessions for the Focus Area of Spreading Europtimism, allowing everyone to be involved and to speak up while also making sure that SMART objectives were being drafted. I would also like to mention Teo Saric, who was also present during those sessions, but is sadly no longer among us. I remember reading a Facebook discussion right after AgorAsturias, in which he expressed his disappointment about some of the decisions made during the Agora: CD elections and the selection of the host local of Spring Agora 2016. In the discussion he stated that we should not – and I quote – “shit rainbow unicorns” in AEGEE, by which he meant so say, I think, is that we should not forget to speak from the heart. This is what he did and what I admired him for.
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
AEGEE-Kyïv, and not just for organizing a great Agora, but also for having the guts, the energy and the brains to organize a stimulating thematic conference on top of that, thereby enabling AEGEEans to burst out of their bubble.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
I am really curious to see how Agora Bergamo will look like, with more than 1000 participants and with the implementation of EUth and Agora reforms. Additionally, we can’t deny that the European project is going through a rough time and there are many critical challenges to be faced at the same time. I hope that we as AEGEE, and the “Your Vision for EUrope” project in particular, manage to provide young people with the means and opportunities to discuss these challenges openly, and thus to emerge as active stakeholders and change-makers rather than passive witnesses.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
For now, I will focus on my tasks in the Your Vision for EUrope project team and play my part in the A-team, and it may just happen to be the case that I will run for CD in May.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
In Nijmegen, with high school friends, while taking the risk of bumping into some AEGEEans.
Miljana Vulevic, Vice-Speaker of Action Agenda Committee
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
Hm… that is a good question and a difficult one to answer – I had a very eventful year. I say: finding my place in AEGEE. Our organization is a wonderful, magical thing that offers you a sea of opportunities to learn and grow. You can choose between many different jobs, do well and still feel like something is missing, like you aren’t 100% happy. This year I finally met “my people” when I joined ACT. Working with these awesome people makes me happy and motivated to achieve more and do my best.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
This is the year AEGEE turned 30 and the whole celebration around the Network was a nice thing to see. But for me, Agora Kyiv and one and only Ana Smailikova take the prize! Emotional, impactful, impeccably organized, eventful – this Agora was everything and more.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Ana Smailikova for being an inspiration and a true leader. Philipp Blum for developing unique recruitment techniques for AEGEE-Aachen. Yevgeniya Gagarkina for putting up so graciously with my ludicrous printing requests during Agora Kyiv. Polar bears for polar bearing.
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
AEGEE-Aachen for showing the network that friendship is the best fuel for a local to run on. AEGEE-Kyiv for their contribution to democracy and showing us the purest, most beautiful way young people support their country. AEGEE-Nis for bringing a surge of energy, creativity and awesomeness in the Balkan part of the network.
What was for you the outstanding project in 2015?
Democracy in Practice and Election Observation Mission are a close tie. Both projects are standing for a great cause, democracy, each in its own inspiring way.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
A strategic planning year is upon us! I see a lot of attention focused on drafting the Strategic Plan for the next three years and deciding which way to take in the future. Hopefully this won’t be just wishful thinking and AEGEEans will realize the importance of this process. Also, I would keep my eye on the new promising AEGEE project, “Your Vision for EUrope”. It can this developing into a great, fruitful initiative.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
I am one of those “live in the moment” people, so even though I see a vague vision of my future, I don’t really make plans. Focusing 100% on what I am doing at the moment and committing to it completely – right now, this is ACT. What future brings I cannot say, but I do know I will be still active in AEGEE.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
This year I have decided to take it easy, so I will spend my New Year’s Eve with my favourite person, just chillin’..
Eric Luckner, AEGEE.fm and Election Observation Project

What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
For me personally, the Agora in Kyiv was the big moment of 2015. There, Hemmo and I streamed the Agora on AEGEE.fm while putting in our own comments here and there and interviewing a few people when we had the chance. It was definitely neat to see the inner workings of the Agora and how the entire thing gets planned and actually runs behind the scenes. We had a neat little room in the back of the auditorium with a huge, Soviet-era light-board – something you would usually see in a museum! Big thanks to the whole AEGEE-Kyiv team for everything, for the organization and letting us do a few little things that weren’t usually allowed – sometimes we really needed our coffee!
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
“The Night of the Seven Antennae” definitely stands out as one of the most interesting endeavors of AEGEE in 2015. Seven cities – Aachen, Bergamo, Catania, Eskişehir, Kyiv, Leiden and Sofia – all connected via Google Hangouts with a huge programme to celebrate the 30th birthday of AEGEE in Europe and our connection with the Association des Amis de Franck Biancheri. Each city put on their own programme – from Turkish dancing to speeches from important AEGEE members. It really was something magnificent to see it all work out so perfectly synchronously. We ended up having a few technical issues here and there, but overall, the team and the preparation each city went through was fantastic. I would be really happy to see such an event happen again; maybe for AEGEE’s 35th birthday? I may even come back to see it through personally.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
There are so many AEGEEans who have contributed to the fantastic events of 2015, it’s very hard to single out even three of them who I really want to personally congratulate. I would really just like to say thanks to all of the people who organized all of the events I was part of this year – AEGEE Election Observation, Agora Kyiv, Agora Asturias, the Night of the Seven Antennae Team, the SU Team in Aachen and everyone else who really made this year special. AEGEE is full of really amazing, enthusiastic Europeans, who really are very optimistic about their future in Europe and inspire me to be more enthusiastic about mine. Thanks for everything, guys – and keep it up!
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
AEGEE-Kyiv and the entire rest of the Night of the Seven Antennae Crew: AEGEE-Aachen, AEGEE-Bergamo, AEGEE-Catania, AEGEE-Eskişehir, AEGEE-Leiden and AEGEE-Sofia. They were for me really the top antennae of the year. AEGEE-Kyiv’s nomination is a product of their fantastic organization and enthusiasm at the Agora Kyiv. Kyiv is a city in the midst of a country in crisis, and the people of AEGEE-Kyiv did a fantastic job making us feel safe and at home. The Agora itself went very smoothly and only had a few minor delays primarily due to discussion topics and the “voting on the voting” event. The other six antennae I had the pleasure to work with whilst helping Damien in Aachen with the Night of the Seven Antennae, and despite a few minor disputes and differences, we managed to work very well with each other and successfully connect seven cities around Europe simultaneously to put on a pretty amazing show!
What was for you the outstanding European project in 2015?
As a member of the board of AEGEE Election Observation, I’m going to have to name this project as the best project in AEGEE; mainly because I’m so familiar with it. It is an astoundingly great and massive undertaking, observing elections throughout Europe and inside of AEGEE – and developing reports outlining the various states of each election. It has been quite a lot of work so far and despite me being rather inactive recently due to university duties, the team has been working hard to get our methodology down pat and successfully plan and carry out missions to Catalonia, Ukraine, the UK, Finland, Estonia, Bosnia, Moldova, and Spain again. We are already looking into next years’ list of countries and I have to say, they are going to be pretty interesting! If you are interested at all in democracy and its inner workings, feel free to contact AEGEE Election Observation and maybe look into becoming an observer for an upcoming mission while you are at it.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
The whole refugee crisis will likely continue and with the increasing support for right-wing parties throughout Europe, I think 2016 is going to bring some heated debates fuelled by national interests and a growing dissonance in European politics dealing with the democratic legitimacy of the European Parliament and various bodies. We might even see a few countries break away or found their own blocks. I’m looking at you, V4 and Great Britain!
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
2016 is going to be an interesting year for me. Since I am finishing up my degree in Aachen, I am looking into moving on to Cologne or somewhere else in Germany and finally getting settled with a job. Simultaneously, AEGEE-Aachen has recently become too aggressively political and one-sided recently, so I am looking into joining AEGEE-Maastricht or AEGEE-Leuven. I have heard they still do quite a lot in the way of cultural exchange. AEGEE to me has always been an open place for discussion, where no single mentality is wholly represented; and when it gets too one-sided, I don’t want to get caught up in the aggressive rallies and such.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
I will be back home in Houston! There my Dad and I will likely have a pretty big feast and then I’ll head downtown with a few old friends from school to celebrate at my friend’s new apartment in the city. Growing up in a suburb around 60 kilometers from the city itself, but still actually part of the city, was horrible, so I am definitely looking forward to getting out of the suburbs and finally being able to celebrate in the midst of it all.