Who is the AEGEE member of the year 2015? Which antenna, which project was the best? The Golden Times asked more than 50 locally or Europeanly active members. In the seventh edition: read what Marta Wnuk, Tom Simons, Katharina Jiménez Weese, Marcos Mato González, Maria Zwartkruis and Elena Panagopoulou said.
Marta Wnuk, Vice-Chairperson of AEGEE-Europe, former NetCom

What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
It was a very successful, rich and fulfilling year for me. There were so many unique, magical and memorable moments that it’s not possible to choose one. I would start with the Eastern Partnership Youth Convention. It was my dream project and I finally had the opportunity to realise it. Then the amazing Agora in Kyiv where I was elected as Vice-Chairperson for Statutory Events. And then the extraordinary Network Meeting in Kraków that marked the end of my term as a NetCommie. About each of those events I could tell a lot, but what they have in common is that they made my personal and AEGEE path more whole and worth-while, and that I was lucky to share those moments with great people around me.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
This moment was definitely Agora Kyiv. The CD made the very right choice to host the Agora in the capital of Ukraine and AEGEE-Kyiv proved that it can deliver an outstanding event with a great level of organisation and spirit despite the not most favourable circumstances. I was happy to see how members from all Ukrainian locals and many other from all around Europe worked together for this common goal and how the participants enjoyed their stay in Kyiv.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015
People who are active in their locals deserve the greatest recognition. It is them who create AEGEE by their daily hard work and dedication and that goes very often unnoticed as it’s hard to get visibility while being locally active. So having this opportunity I would like to strongly say that they are the greatest heroes. If I were to distinguish one person, I would like to name Grzesiek Górzyński – the main organiser of NWM Kraków. He approached this task with ambition, passion and responsibility and along with his amazing team delivered the event of the highest quality that for sure cannot be called just an ordinary Network Meeting.
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
I would like to name AEGEE-Kyiv and AEGEE-Kraków. Those locals not only organised great events that should be examples for everyone, but also maintained their high standard activity organising projects, activating members on the level that is admirable itself.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
In my opinion the Agora reform will be a very important topic in the AEGEE debate this year. The Agora Reform Task Force has started it’s functioning; the topic of the reform appeared already in the autumn Network Meetings. The voting system EUth is being prepared for its pilot phrase. I think we will see many developments in this sphere hopefully.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
In the first place, I am going to dedicate my time and energy to the role of the Vice-Chairperson and delivery of three high quality statutory events. So without doubt three highlights are waiting for me – Leiden, Bergamo and Chisinau. Besides, I want to organise one last event with the Eastern Partnership Project and help with the transition of a new team that will start to work on the new phase of the project.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
After two years in a row at the New Year’s event in Gdańsk, being on huge AEGEE events, it’s time for a smaller and a little bit more cozy one. This year I will spent it with a circle of friends in Poznań. Poznań is a city where I spent my three first years of being a student, where many good memories stayed and where I love to go back to. So I already know that I will enjoy this year’s party a lot.
Tom Simons, Chairperson of AEGEE-Europe
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
I have several. Firstly of course having the privilege to chair three statutory events. It was a huge challenge and together with an amazing team I had a great time preparing and chairing these events. Besides that being re-elected as Chairperson of the Agora felt like a confirmation that I fulfilled my tasks in the past year in a satisfactory way.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
This year AEGEE-Europe existed for 30 years. In 1985 AEGEE-Europe was founded, and now, 30 years later, the association is still going strong. Let’s hope the next 30 years will bring together just as many people as the first 30.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
I would like to name everyone I worked with in the Chair Team last year: Andrea Ugrinoska, Svenja van der Tol, Gianmarco Rodriguez Aviles and Jeanine Ossentjuk.
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
Of course the three hosts of the statutory events: AEGEE-Burgos, AEGEE-Oviedo and AEGEE-Kyïv. I had a great cooperation working together with these antennae in the last year. Besides that, my own local: AEGEE-Enschede, for all the local events and people that I see on an almost daily basis.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
We are currently working with a bunch of people on reforming the Agora. I am involved as member of the Chair Team, and I hope that a lot of changes and improvements will be implemented during the Agora in Bergamo and in Chisinau.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
Like I also mentioned during my candidature for Chair in Kyïv, I would like to implement changes and improvements in the Agora. Together with the Agora reform task force and the Chair Team, I hope to implement a lot of ideas.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
I’m not sure at this time. Last year I booked a last minute to Estonia, so who knows where I’ll end up this year!
Katharina Jiménez Weese, Language Interest Group
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
As I am currently studying in Barcelona for one year, it was amazing to be able to switch antenna so easily, to stay active in AEGEE and to be integrated from the first moment on in another antenna.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
Agora Kyiv as a whole event was very memorable, a gathering of so many of us in a place which is, according to the media, dangerous – but we counteracted by successfully making this amazing event happen!
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Anna Smailikova, for her indefatigable work for AEGEE.
What was for you the outstanding European project in 2015?
SUCT has just started its term but amazes me every day with new initiatives, guidelines, perfect timing and nice posts.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
I am very much looking forward to the first implementation of the AEGEE Day in April 2016!
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
Definitely going to all the statutory events as well as any other event my timetable and budget allows. Also I am planning to be part of the organizers’ team at Autumn Agora Chisinau, which will be a completely new Agora experience for me this time!
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
Although I was really happy to see such a big amount of New Year’s events this year, unfortunately I am not going to celebrate New Year with AEGEE this time. Due to my Erasmus studies abroad, I decided to spend Christmas and New Year with my family this year, in a very warm place far from home…
Marcos Mato González, ACT. President of AEGEE-León
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
It’s really hard to choose only one! I think a special one for me was two months ago, in the ACT meeting in the CD House. The day I arrived I was without phone and looking for the house with a paper of instructions that is in the members portal, with clear instructions. However, I did not understand it, so, feeling lost in the middle of Brussels, I suddenly saw in that random street the shield of AEGEE-Europe! It was really special, feeling like home, without ever in my life having been there.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
It was not a one-day work, but I think the most important thing of this year was to change the Working Groups format. The new ones are going to take some time to adapt and start to work on it, but in the future, I am sure they will show us our objective.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Daniel Llamazares for his work in my local and Paul Smits.
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
AEGEE-Leon, without any doubt: sending people to do European Voluntary Service, exchanges and TC, receiving two people doing European Voluntary Service, organizing two SUs, one Renove for 140 people of our region, sending more than 35 different members to statutory events… and much more!
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
The continuation of EU. Big changes are coming, and it is the point where we have to think if this is the EU that we want.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
Focus more on my work with ACT and try to make people getting more involved in it, and leave the control of my antenna to the newbies. And attend all the events!
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
I chose AEGEE-Zaragoza’s New Year’s event. I hope it is worth it because it is my birthday as well!
Maria Zwartkruis, Key to Europe and AEGEEan team member, CIRC
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
My personal AEGEE highlight was my last local Agora as a board member of AEGEE-Utrecht. Our advisory board had made a video with an overview of all the awesome moments of that year, and I couldn’t help it: tears popped into my eyes. And my goodbye speech and words of thanks made some other eyes fill up with tears as well! AEGEE-Utrecht has a full-time board, so I dedicated one year to this beautiful association, together with my amazing fellow board members. It was hard having to leave our baby to the next board, but it’s also a beautiful thing to transfer your knowledge and experience to your successors, so they can develop themselves and the association in many ways, just like we did.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
Although 2015 was filled with awesome events like Agorae, an EPM, anniversary events and others, there’s one event that was really special to me; one that was not even in 2015, but in the end of 2014: the Fundraising European School in Barcelona. It had many ups and downs: I learned so much about fundraising, which helped me a lot during my board year! But the downside… I ended up at the doctor with really bad tonsillitis, and had to take really high doses of antibiotics and painkillers. One night, even breathing was so painful that I couldn’t sleep! Despite the pain and medication, I carried on and I am really happy I missed only one session, when I was at the doctor, although I felt half dead in the end. At the end of the event, we wrote a letter to ourselves, to be sent after one year. Just recently, I received it, and I was really glad to find that I had fulfilled all the goals I had set for myself!
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
Can I pick more? There are so many people I want to mention here! Firstly the dynamic duo Vincent Baas and Philipp Blum, or “Boss & Flower” as we liked to call them, which is the literal translation of their last names. They were the creative directors of the Key to Europe, and they made it into a masterpiece! I really enjoyed working with them. Speaking of the Key to Europe, Erika Bettin also deserves a special mention! She was not only editor-in-chief of the Key to Europe, but also for the AEGEEan – and still is. Besides that, she is also involved in many other projects. I just can’t imagine where she finds the time! The last person I want to mention here is Damien Latacz. Not only is he a good friend of mine, but he is one of the most hard-working people I know. Even at night during Agorae, he was always working on something this year, whether it was on the Night of the Seven Antennae or on his candidature for the MedCom. Oh, and not to forget: he’s a great cook!
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
Even though I could also name more than one local here, I will just choose one: AEGEE-Kyïv. It’s really amazing how they managed to put together such a wonderful and well-organised Agora, and also came up with the idea of the conference before the Agora. The fact that they had so many helpers from other antennae and even other countries inspired me to also help out at EPM Leiden!
What was for you the outstanding European project in 2015?
That was the Election Observation Project. Not only did they organise several Election Observation Missions in different countries, they also organized Election Observation Missions for our own Agorae! I also got the chance to participate in it at Agora Kyïv. The fact that the observing didn’t go entirely according to plan made me realise how important it is that it happens correctly. Although I don’t have enough time at this moment, this is a project I would really love to join!
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
That will be Agora Bergamo! I still have to check if I will be able to attend, but I really hope so! The fact that it’s such a reachable city from all over Europe and the huge capacity they promised, will make it memorable. To have so many AEGEEans from different backgrounds come together will be amazing!
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
Well firstly, in January, I’ll organize a trip to Brussels for AEGEE-Utrecht with my local committee, the Europe Committee. Throughout the year, I will continue my work as a proofreader for the AEGEEan and maybe I will work on the Key to Europe again! Another thing I am focusing on right now, is working with the new Corporate and Institutional Relations Committee (CIRC). You will hear more about that soon!
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
Not at an AEGEE New Year’s Event unfortunately! But I have a great alternative: I will spend New Year’s Eve on the Canary Islands with my boyfriend, who is also an AEGEEan!
Elena Panagopoulou, Democracy in Practice Project Team, Board Member of AEGEE-Athina
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2015?
I found AEGEE by chance. Or as I always want to believe, when I needed the most. And every day I am surprised of how utterly it changed my life. Being a new member in AEGEE every experience and event was a highlight. My first SU, the Agora in Kyiv, organizing a Network Meeting and my election to the board of AEGEE-Athina a couple of days ago. Furthermore, my hosting of Agora Kyiv Inspire helped me to realize how many inspirational voices within AEGEE are not heard and that’s something we should change.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2015. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
The controversial topic of the upcoming EPM about the refugee crisis, the whole buzz that was provoked during the voting procedure and AEGEE-Heidelberg’s failure to have its position on the topic ratified by the Agora. I believe it signified the necessity of AEGEE finally to tackle this immense problem by breaking down the stereotypes and educating its members about the significance of involving refugees into European societies, in a world that changes.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2015?
I would love not having to name some people, because after all, AEGEE is its members. Every single one, from the most active to the pal that only joins the parties, comprises our network, contributing with their dedication, work and personality in this incredible multicultural, borderless, open-minded and creative association that AEGEE is. Nevertheless, I would like to name three people that had special significance to me personally, and a continuous impact on AEGEE. Danae Matakou, for being an awesome NetCom, a great friend and constant inspiration to me. Lia Tuska, for her dedication to the Democracy in Practice project and love of taking minutes and lastly Michele Minuti, former President of my beloved AEGEE-Brescia for his deep belief in people, always finding a way to cultivate their potential and succeeding small miracles! Besides, if I hadn’t met him, and that’s something I haven’t ever told him, perhaps I would have never become so quickly-or even that much involved in AEGEE!
Which was for you the outstanding antenna in 2015?
Excluding the antennae that organized the statutory events of the past year, it’s always remarkable to see the dedication and tenacity the organizing of such big events demands from the locals, every single antenna is worth an applause. We all know that without the hard work of unseen heroes, AEGEE would never be able to exist. Giving the space and the chance for young people to actively participate is unique and a difficult task for every board to handle. Obviously also the Turkish and Ukrainian antennae, for yet another year, for their solidarity to each other and their tremendous strength in extreme situations.
What was for you the outstanding European project in 2015?
AEGEE has always been proud of the variety and awesomeness of its projects. From the European highlights, as Election Observation, to AEGEE thematic and smaller ones, like my favourite one: Rebuilding Democracy. The Young Ukraine conference on the 13th of October was an awesome experience which helped me to take a thorough insight of the socio-economic and political situation of Ukraine. Lastly, I couldn’t be able to omit my precious Democracy in Practice, for its unique cause of educating young people about the violation of human rights nowadays. Human Rights and Democracy are the cornerstones of our society. Without them, nothing else matters.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2016?
I am eager to observe how AEGEE will handle the refugee crisis and the constant gap between the north and the south. How nationalism will evolve, since right now it has been the numb and thoughtless reaction of European societies towards terrorism and above all how we will be able to improve our impact as association. I also cannot wait for the celebration of AEGEE Day. I think it’s great to have an annual celebration. History always empowers and teaches people how to not repeat the same mistakes.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2016?
I have just been elected as HR & External Relations Responsible of AEGEE-Athina. A lot of dreams and plans for collaborations with other antennae and European Bodies, and maybe two awesome Summer Universities, LTCs, RTCs and exchanges and many more are ahead of me. I want AEGEE- Athina to be considered as an antenna of miracles and an example of success and joyous members. Simultaneously I will continue working hard for Democracy in Practice and its cause. I’m also an active member in the Health4Youth and Language Interest Groups, where many interesting things will happen. Anything more? Well, only time will show, but probably yes. You’ll definitely hear from me in the future!
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
I will experience the revival of the ancient Dionysia celebration in Salerno, where the twin antennae of Salerno and Ioannina promise ecstatic moments of pleasure and fun. Well, the Greek-italian combination is always a recipe for warm and passionate memories, so I cannot wait! I wish to all AEGEEans a happy and fruitful New Year, full of success, travels and dreams that come true.