2013 was an eventful year for AEGEE: The Golden Times asked more than 100 active members how they perceived it – and what they foresee for 2014. In this seventh edition: read what Alla Resheten, Réka Salamon, Hans-Peter Bretz, Gerardo García Díaz, Diana Ondža and Antonio Morelli said. With this constellation of people it is no surprise that Summer Universities were mentioned several times – see the featured image above of the best SU in 2013, organised by AEGEE-Catania.
Alla Resheten, former Agora Chair, former CD
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2013?
The closing day of the Agora Zaragoza, where I had chance to present the results of the Eastern Partnership project (EaP) and finish my term as a Chairperson. I knew that I will be crying while presenting the results of the project which is for me a very important part of my life. I was always saying that the EaP project is my biggest AEGEE baby, so as a real mom I needed to be a bit emotional seeing the success of my child… And the closing plenary was something very special for me. I’ve heard words of appreciation for six years of my non-stop work for AEGEE, and this was the best reward I could only imagine. At the end, not every day you are getting standing applause of the whole Agora twice!
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2013. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
I think Europe on Track getting the Charlemagne Youth Prize will be the milestone for 2013. It’s important to get recognition of work done by AEGEE externally. And it’s a good motivation for younger generations to dare creating even better projects.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2013?
Here I would like to mention all people actively involved on the European and Local level. It’s hard to choose one person as I think that to make AEGEE better and stronger we should work together as a team. So I consider every single person who is dedicating his or her time to work in his antenna or work on European Level as outstanding member.
Which one was for you the outstanding antenna in 2013?
Of course, all antennae who organised the EBM or an Agora this year. It was a pleasure to work with these people, as they were always open for discussion and cooperation. But I also would like to mention AEGEE-Bruxelles/Brussel here. I am living in Brussels for almost three years and I see how different the life of this local in Brussels and any other local are. For example, in AEGEE-Kyiv most members are students and people with time and motivation, plus most members share the same nationality. In AEGEE-Bruxelles/Brussel most members are coming from completely different parts of Europe or not even from Europe, with very limited time but with a lot of motivation to stay connected with their AEGEE fellows. This year AEGEE-Bruxelles/Brussel managed to realise plenty of local activities, an SU with AEGEE-Paris, a few conferences and even to be nominated as local of the month! So for me they are the outstanding antenna and I really hope they will continue their great work!
Which one was for you the outstanding project in 2013?
EaP, Y Vote2014 and Health4Youth. These are three projects I was following and could see results of their actions.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2014?
From the thematic point of view I think it will be the European Elections and projects connected to this issue – Y Vote 2014 and Europe on Track 2. I hope that the launch of the EaP2 project also will be one of highlights of next year. From the organisational point of view I think the launch of the new Online Membership System which is planned for next summer will be very important for AEGEE. And of course the election of the new Comité Directeur with their fresh view on the organisation.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2014?
I think I have done in AEGEE as much as I could, so it is time for me to step aside and give a new generation the chance to take over the responsibility. However, there are few things I would like to do next year: to organise the final conference of the EaP project, help EaP2 in their development and use my professional skills of Quality Engineer in the Online Membership System development process.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
In Brussels with my family.
Réka Salamon, Europe on Track Coordinator

What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2013?
ZarAgora. Because it has given a new wave of enthusiasm and motivation to continue my work in AEGEE after several month of involuntary inactivity. ZarAgora gave me back myself!
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2013. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
When the Europe on Track project won the Charlemagne Youth Prize in May. I worked my heart out for it to become a success and my efforts were not in vain!
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2013?
Patricia Anthony – I was admiring her diligence and energy and always positive approach, being so active in so many different projects and teams and doing her job well each and every time. And Beáta Matuszka – whose ever-lasting AEGEE-spirit has been, still is and will be one of the most powerful motivators for the entire Network.
Which one was for you the outstanding antenna in 2013?
AEGEE-Debrecen! My dear former local who introduced the world of AEGEE to me and who has been through an amazing transformation! I miss working with the amazing team they have now, but seeing more and more active members, who organised the ITES and a TSU and several local activities simply makes me proud!
Which one was for you the outstanding project in 2013?
Health4Youth. You can tell they have a highly motivated team, who have been co-organisers of a thematic SU and a pre-event and I bet they are working on something again to surprise us… I just love their dedication and passion in making the project so successful!
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2014?
The recently approved Erasmus+ programme will definitely have a big impact on AEGEE, not only this year but for years to come. I believe we will and we should have more events focusing on explaining and exploring the new programme and get more young people familiar with its working.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2014?
The second edition of Europe on Track is going to be my biggest project for the next couple of months, which will be partly linked to the Y Vote project, so I’m planning to take an active part in that too. I am also drafting the PR-ES-SU project with the Public Relations Committee, cooperating with the Academy and the SUCT. I have also been working on renewing the working mechanism and visibility of the new Quality Assurance Committee. And my newly found motivation is telling me that I should candidate for the CD in Agora Patra!
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
I will spend New Year’s Eve in Köln with my kids. We will probably be making cookies, playing puzzles or reading Christmas stories about the Grinch – well what else can you do with a 3-, a 4- and a 7-year-old?!
Hans-Peter Bretz, former SUCT Project Manager
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2013?
The Agora Rhein-Neckar with my friends and my SUCT trip through Central and Eastern Europe with Interrail this summer.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2013. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
Maybe the CD candidating again.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2013?
My fellow SUCT members of course.
Which one was for you the outstanding antenna in 2013?
I’ll be completely subjective and pick the first that comes to my mind. Well, the second after AEGEE-Berlin of course… And this is AEGEE-Kyiv. They are extremely active on all levels, even though the visa process makes it harder for them to participate on European Level. They even organized two Sumer Universities and they are proving their active citizenship in Ukraine right in these days.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2014?
A big success of Y Vote hopefully, maybe many improvements in the Summer University Project.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2014?
I will slowly retire, maybe visit an Agora, and stay around in my antenna.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
At home with my parents.
Gerardo García Díaz, SUCT
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2013?
I would say with any doubt the SU Maps. The format has proved to be a success according to the feedback that the last SUCT received, even though they arrived late due to several designing, printing and transportation issues –you know what Murphy’s Law says: if something can go wrong, it will go wrong, especially when it is the very first time you innovate. We have now a powerful and handy PR material, allowing us to to reach more potential members and to give them a nice first glance of the SU Project with less budget. With 19 times more units and a 1.76 times lower investment in comparison with the booklet format, I consider this not just a personal highlight, but a design, management and efficiency achievement of SUCT and all AEGEE-Europe.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2013?
There are too many awesome people in AEGEE to choose just one. Everybody did their best and even the newer members are doing or will do epic things for this organisation. Nevertheless, I think one of the going-to-be-remembered members of this year will be Uncle Joni – Jonathan del Castillo Gil from AEGEE-Zaragoza. He decided finally to leave AEGEE after so many years of amazing work and helpful acts. He gave me advice for the SU poster 2013 and the cover of the SU projects 25th anniversary booklet. I have learnt a lot of things from him and made a lot of things out of his lessons, and I am not only talking about the graphic design related ones.
Which one was for you the outstanding antenna in 2013?
I am in the same situation as regarding the previous question… I cannot say one antenna since I am sure there are way more than the ones I know that did a great job this year. Anyway, I think it is quite fair to mention AEGEE-Zaragoza and their impressive job with the ZarAgora. At the beginning it was: “how are they going to do this?” It turned into an epic statutory event with an outstanding location, awesome organisers and legendary fundraising. I still have the flavour of that chocolate balls in my mouth…
Which one was for you the outstanding project in 2013?
Somebody will be expecting me to toot my own horn, but that would be lying to readers and myself. Europe on Track really deserves this honour over any other project of this year, even though we have really nice projects like Europe in Exchange or the Language Working Group doing great things, so they need to be mentioned also.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2014?
I would like to see how the LGBT WG is approved by the Agora and how they start to do big things related to this topic. I feel like this WG is widely needed. Remember AEGEE-Europe’s Facebook page post about the first gay wedding in France? I am still performing a huge facepalm for the extremely intolerant and homophobic comments that could be read in the answers to that post – and I am not the only one. With people thinking that kind of things about lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders I think this new WG is not just a need… it is a must.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2014?
There are lots of things in my agenda, but maybe the more challenging and important ones are the new version of the SU map and website design. Andrea Nostro, our IT, will do the magic for the SUCT. I will also take care of the brand new logo for the Language Working Group and AEGEE’s official promo video for the CD. I am working on the latter together with Ksenia Lupanova from AEGEE-Moskva and Tom Simons from AEGEE-Enschede. Also, I will be helping at AEGEE-Oviedo’s TSU 2014, for sure.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
I will be organiser at the 25th Anniversary New Year’s Eve event of AEGEE-Oviedo, saying goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014 alongside with another 50 AEGEEans that will come to celebrate our birthday with us. So we could say that I cannot even get rid of the AEGEE spirit even after a semester far from home. Actually, it got enhanced!
Diana Ondža, Pool of Representatives, Y Vote project team
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2013?
My participation in the ZarAgora 2013. Since I was very inactive for the major part of 2013, ZarAgora was my first real AEGEE experience this year, which was like my personal catch up with everything I had missed and I was longing for – a crowd of crazy and motivating AEGEE people, boring presentations, never-ending parties, sleeping in the gym, great memories and adventures.
AEGEE-Europe had many memorable moments in 2013. Which one do you remember most vividly or was outstanding?
I did not follow all the developments so closely to be able to name one.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2013?
Due to my very remote involvement in AEGEE activities this year I do not feel very confident answering this question. However, I can name one member, who to my mind has always been very committed, professional and inspiring in everything he does and is involved in. This person is Armenak Minasyants, a member of AEGEE-Yerevan, with whom I never lost communication despite my AEGEE inactivity and regardless the fact that we have never met each other in person. I am very proud of him, glad to know him and I am very thankful for, and at the same time amazed by, everything he has done for our association occupying various positions. He exerts astonishing energy and motivation. This makes me to believe that he has not yet reached the top of his AEGEE achievements.
Which one was for you the outstanding project in 2013?
Certainly Europe on Track! It has gained such recognition in Europe and was rewarded with the Charlemange Youth Prize award. Great achievement!
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2014?
Y Vote 2014! It is a very relevant, interesting and ambitious project, and since I have just become a part of the Y Vote team, I believe that we all should put our effort to make the project a big success, because this is our next opportunity to prove ourselves externally.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2014?
As promised in 2012 in an interview for the Golden Times, after finishing my Master I plan to re-activate myself in AEGEE. I have become a member of the Pool of Representatives, I have joined the new AEGEE initiative about Election Observation Missions, and I am a fresh member of the Y Vote project team. Ah, and this summer I might realise my AEGEE dream: participate in an SU!
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
At the Winter University “White Winter. Black Balsam” with AEGEE-Riga… maybe.
Antonio Morelli, President of AEGEE-Catania
What was your personal AEGEE highlight in 2013?
Without question, the most beautiful moment of 2013 was the proclamation as the Best Summer University 2013. To look at the faces of my friends, happy for victory. It’s something incredible to be honoured in the best way possible after one year of hard work and sacrifice.
Who was for you the outstanding member in 2013?
I don’t think that there is an outstanding member. All members of AEGEE have a role, a task, a goal and all members are essential to carry on this great dream that is called AEGEE. But I would like to thank to the guys from the CD for the hard work done this year. I feel the need to thank two friends especially, Miguel and Beáta who helped me to grow in these years.
Which one was for you the outstanding antenna in 2013?
It may sound bad, but I want to reward my own antenna: AEGEE-Catania. I want to reward all the members who worked to make our Summer University unforgettable. I want to thank all of them, because every year they give me incredible emotions that words can’t describe. Only those who have attended our event can understand how much work is put behind the organization of the event and how wonderful this Dream Team is.
What do you foresee as a highlight or big topic in AEGEE in 2014?
I think that the most important topic is going to be Europe: Having a united Europe and to welcome new members. In these days, we are witnessing the delicate situation in Ukraine, my thoughts go to them, their antennae and to the AEGEE members of that country.
What are your personal AEGEE plans for 2014?
I have just been re-elected president for the second year in a row. I have many plans for the next year. We expect to organize an exchange, we also would like to reorganize the Network Meeting and of course I will work to organize another Best SU! Personally, I hope to participate in Agora Patra and I have already given my availability to help AEGEE-Cagliari for the organization of the AEGEE Autumn Agora 2014.
How and where will you spend New Year’s night?
AEGEE-Catania is organizing a Winter University for the first time. We have already confirmed all the participants and we are working to organize a great event for an unforgettable New Year in AEGEE style. I will spend New Year with my family – AEGEE-Catania – and 25 participants representing Europe! I take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I offer my best wishes to all of you, for a 2014 full of personal satisfaction and AEGEE satisfaction of course…
Read all articles:
- 2013 review, part one – Luis Alvarado Martínez, Mariella Rapa, Miguel Gallardo, Maartje Natrop, Ivan Bielik and Marta Wnuk
- 2013 review, part two – Anna Gumbau Martínez, Holger Schmitt, Alma Mozgovaja, Panagiotis Barlampas, Marije Arentze and Balázs Kovács
- 2013 review, part three – Eline de Graaf, Fabian Brüggemann, Karolina Kubala, Giovanni Cerullo, Spyroula Masiala and Adri López Smith
- 2013 review, part four – Thomas Leszke, Alice Bednarova, Ola Kluczka, Claudio Armandi, Dominique Lenssen and Lia Tuska
- 2013 review, part five – Beáta Matuszka, Alin-Florin Calin, Francesca Russo, Roel de Natris, Aleksandra Sasha Okhrimenko and Ada Toma
- 2013 review, part six – Léa Charlet, Benjamin Feyen, Ilona Leonova, Márton Demeter, Anna van den Berg, Šárka Vostarková
- 2013 review, part seven – Alla Resheten, Gerardo García Díaz, Réka Salamon, Antonio Morelli, Diana Ondza and Hans-Peter Bretz
- 2013 review, part eight – Sandra Oborska, Mayri Tiido, Mattia Abis, Ksenia Lupanova, Alexandra Vilcu and Roland Papp
- 2013 review, part nine – Anne Bakhuizen, Armenak Minasyants, Anna Pykhtina, Koen Berghuis, Lucia Gavulová and Magdalena Kortas
- 2013 review, part ten – Patricia Anthony, Alberto Cuesta Noriega, Paula Puchacz, Nicola Guida, Christianna Fokia and Andrea Schmelz
- 2013 review, part eleven – Danae Matakou, Maryana Semenyak and Adrian Browarczyk