“This event will be a new mixture of everything, like a crazy self-made delicious cocktail, with all kinds of ingredients, from sightseeing by night to brewing your own beer, from cycling in the beautiful Dutch landscape to a panoramic view of Europe’s Manhattan.” Deniz Emre Mohr from AEGEE-Darmstadt really gets enthusiastic when talking about the Summer University which his antenna will organise this July. AEGEE-Darmstadt has good partners: AEGEE-Mainz/Wiesbaden and AEGEE-Eindhoven.

Golden Times: What’s the title of your SU?
Deniz Emre Mohr, AEGEE-Darmstadt: The name of our Summer University is: “Master course for a Dutch-German cocktail”.
GT: What’s the date of your SU?
Deniz: The Summer University will take place from the 4th till the 19th July and will start in Mainz.
GT: Are you organising it with another antenna?
Deniz: We are organising it with AEGEE-Eindhoven and AEGEE Mainz/Wiesbaden.
GT: Why should AEGEE members specifically apply for your event?
Deniz: This event will be a new mixture of everything, like a crazy self-made delicious cocktail, with all kinds of different ingredients, from sightseeing by night to brewing your own beer, from cycling in the beautiful Dutch landscape to a panoramic view of Europe’s Manhattan, from German carnival to Dutch cheese, from Van Gogh to European Night and thematic parties: it will be a mixture of Dutch and German tradition and events! We want crazy, energetic, open-minded, sleepless and motivated participants, who are curious to learn more about German and Dutch culture and be able to enjoy every minute of the SU.
GT: What’s the main topic and the three main thematic highlights?
Deniz: We will show Dutch and German culture from a different perspective. It is a Travel Summer University, there will be plenty of different cities to visit. The participants will experience the German and afterwards the Dutch traditions and cultures. This will be done with several Dutch-German activities.
GT: Which cities or other interesting places will you visit?
Deniz: Mainz, Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Eindhoven, Amsterdam and some small villages.
GT: What will be the social programme highlights?
Deniz: Our social programme will include cycling through the Dutch landscapes and even across the border into Belgium, visiting all kinds of German cities, like Frankfurt, the Manhattan of Europe; Mainz, the perfect student city; and Darmstadt, the city of science. Classic events, such as pub crawls, European Nights, parties and much more are of course all included.
GT: In which year was the last SU that you organised?
Deniz: The last Summer University organised by AEGEE-Darmstadt was four years ago, in 2011 and the first in 2008.
GT: Why didn’t you organise an SU in the last years?
Deniz: We wanted to organise a Summer University in the last two years, but couldn’t do it, due to several problems: miscommunication with our NetCom, finances and others. We will finally manage to organise an SU this year together with two great known antennae!
GT: What motivated you to organise an SU this year?
Deniz: The motivation to organise an SU started with the first Summer University attendances of us, the main organisers: Hamdi Altin, Eugen Grenz, Zacharias Grenz and me. Since then we have been visiting other Summer Universities, Agoras and all kinds of European AEGEE events together. Each of us experienced between two to four SUs, so we gathered lots of experience to combine them to a perfect SU. When Last year the four of us returned from their great SUs we went out to grab some beers and told each other our amazing SU stories; then one of us came up with the idea to organise definitely an SU this year, and in just one second we all wanted to do that.
GT: How can interested people find out more?
Deniz: They can find out more on the official Summer University page, our official TSU Facebook page: www.facebook.com/AEGEEtsu2015 and of course check out our teaser: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAjCcZuzD10.