The city of Darmstadt does not only host one of the top universities worldwide. Every year lots of Erasmus students enjoy life and studying in this charming city near Frankfurt – and AEGEE-Darmstadt helps them to enjoy their stay by providing services such as language learning events, excursions and pubcrawls. A team of five members coordinates the Erasmus activities of the antenna. AEGEE-Darmstadt President Stefan Luettgen (26), Computer Science student at the Darmstadt University of Technology, told the Golden Times more about their support for international students.

You are Erasmus coordinator of AEGEE-Darmstadt. What do you like about this task?
The more people you meet, the more you get to know about yourself. And the more different these people are, the better you get to know about yourself. I like the nonchalant contact. Everywhere else you are treated as a tourist, but not among students. This is most likely the last chance to get in touch with foreigners on a casual level.
What are your main tasks as Erasmus coordinator?
Welcoming the foreign students and conducting a speech at the welcome day of our university plus providing regular activities during the first weeks of their stay.
What are the main services or activities that your antenna offers to Erasmus students?
Language learning events, cultural excursions and night life activities.

Which is the most popular Erasmus activity of AEGEE-Darmstadt?
The official pub crawl is by far the most popular with a number of participants between 50 and 80. For the more cultural souls, we provide an excursion to Kraków for 75 participants over five days.
How many Erasmus students are actually studying in your city?
About 120.
How attractive do you consider your city as Erasmus destination on a scale from 0 (very bad) to 10 (excellent)?
I would level Darmstadt at 8. University-wise we are among the top universities worldwide, but we are a fairly average German mid-sized city. So cultural-wise we would lose some points. But Darmstadt is still charming.
Any advice for students who consider going on Erasmus in your city?
Contact us to acclimatize yourself to the new environment during the first weeks. Also make use of the university programs. Try to get in touch with locals. Grow personally and do not drown in your studies. Exams at your home university are most likely easier anyway.

Did you go on Erasmus yourself?
Erasmus keeps coming to me every semester. Besides, I would rather leave Europe for my studies, so no Erasmus for me.
How time consuming is your task as Erasmus Coordinator?
If you love what you’re doing, you rather consider this as an opportunity. But we are highly organized and fit these activities well among other duties.
How big is your AEGEE Erasmus team?
The core team consists of 5 to 6 people.

How is the Erasmus cooperation of AEGEE with the university?
They are constantly under the impression that they are doing us a favor although it should be vice versa. But we take this as part of the game and sharpen our soft skills thereby.
Is AEGEE-Darmstadt the biggest supporter of Erasmus students in your city?
Aside from the official Erasmus program of the university, yes!
Since when is your antenna actually supporting Erasmus students?
Since 2010.
How can new Erasmus students in your city contact you?
By sending a mail to or via our Facebook page:
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