Next spring Spain will be the main destination of the most active AEGEE members. Both the European Planning Meeting – as the EBM is called from now on – and the Agora will take place in this country. The Golden Times spoke with Rubén Puras, President of AEGEE-Burgos, about the upcoming EPM. Ruben was watching the announcement via Internet livestream from home together with the antenna mascot Morcillote, since he could not be at the Agora in Patra.
Golden Times: How do you feel about the news that your antenna organises the EPM?
Ruben Puras: We feel really excited! We wanted to make a big event for some time – and as you can see in our promotion video, we organized a Network Meeting, a Renove for 100 participants and after that we wanted to make something bigger.

Golden Times: What is Renove?
Ruben: Renove is an event after the SU, to motivate the new member of the region.
Golden Times: How many people can you host?
Ruben: We can lodge around 500 participants.
Golden Times: 500 might sound a bit optimistic, since also the spring Agora will be in Spain…
Ruben: This might reduce the number of applicants, but I think it will be easy for us to get 300 participants. One of our strongest assets is the infrastructure. We are perfectly connected with Bilbao, Madrid, Barcelona and Santander. It is really easy to travel to Burgos, because all these airports have cheap flights from all over Europe.

Golden Times: How will the weather be in Burgos – it’s not the hottest city, right?
Ruben: Right! Burgos is a cold city, but not more than other places in the North of Spain.
Golden Times: How big is your antenna?
Ruben: Now we are 60 members in Burgos, of which 20 are active members. This means, we are small, but at the same time we are big, because of our really motivated members who look forward to meeting you here!
Check out the promotion video! http://youtu.be/STMZmmnPiRU
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